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Splice Originals Future Soul Vol 1 with Brandyn Burnette MULTiFORMAT-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 03 August 2021 | 785 MB

担任 EMAN8 并合作发行 Devine Vocal Emanations 的音乐家 Brandyn Burnette 再次加入我们在纽约 Splice Studios 的行列。 对于这个包,他潜入未来灵魂的声音,同时挖掘他的牙买加根源以获得独特的灵感。 一只脚在过去,另一只脚在未来,布兰登带来了他柔滑的假声和男高音,使流行和 R&B 完美无缺。 他当场提出了即兴演奏、旋律、钩子和即兴演奏的即兴演奏质量和流派弯曲潜力。


Musician Brandyn Burnette who performs as EMAN8 and collaborated on the Devine Vocal Emanations release joined us at Splice Studios NYC once again. For this pack, he dove into the sounds of future soul while tapping his Jamaican roots for unique inspiration. With one foot in the past and the other in the future, Brandyn brought his silky falsetto and tenor, which lend themselves to pop and R&B perfection. He came up with riffs, melodies, hooks, and adlibs on the spot that have instantaneous hit-making quality and genre-bending potential.

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