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Gio Israel Organic Pop – Global Flutes WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 08 May 2024 | 845.08 MB

隆重推出有机流行全球长笛,这是我们迄今为止最广泛的长笛声音样本包,提供涵盖各种流派、风格和乐器的各种录音。 该包包括适用于歌曲开头、节奏和节拍的经过处理和“制作”的样本,以及真实捕捉每支长笛的自然本质的原始“干燥”版本。


该包由多位音乐家共同策划,突出展示了长笛和木管乐器演奏家 Eyal Sela 的艺术才华。 Sela 一生致力于探索各种文化的文化和声音特征,曾与 India Arie、Alicia Keys 和 The Idan Raichel Project 等国际知名音乐家合作。 Sela 掌握了一系列木管乐器,包括土耳其单簧管、印度竹笛、爱尔兰便士哨、单簧管、埃及内伊长笛和萨克斯管,她为这个系列带来了丰富的专业知识。

由洛杉矶/TLV 流行音乐制作人 Noam Akrabi 制作,确保一流的声音体验。

749 样品


Introducing Organic Pop Global Flute, our most extensive flute sound sample pack yet, offering a diverse range of recordings spanning various genres, styles, and instruments. This pack includes both processed and “produced” samples suitable for song-starters, grooves, and beats, as well as raw, “drier” versions that authentically capture the natural essence of each flute.

Designed to be a versatile resource for multiple production needs, our aim is to create a comprehensive package that serves as a “one-stop shop” for inspiration drawn from the rich sounds of different flutes and woodwinds.

Curated with contributions from several musicians, the pack prominently showcases the artistry of flute and woodwinds virtuoso Eyal Sela. With a lifetime devoted to exploring the cultural and sonic signatures of various cultures, Sela has collaborated with renowned international musicians such as India Arie, Alicia Keys, and The Idan Raichel Project. Mastering an array of woodwind instruments, including the Turkish clarinet, Indian bamboo flute, Irish penny whistle, clarinet, Egyptian Ney Flute, and the saxophone, Sela brings a wealth of expertise to this collection.

Produced by LA/TLV-based Pop producer Noam Akrabi, ensuring a top-notch sonic experience.

749 Samples

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