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鼓合成器 – Aly James Lab VSDS-X v2.0.2 CE WIN

Win64; VST3,VSTi
Aly James Lab VSDS-X v2.0.2 CE-V.R| 7 MB

Aly James Lab已发布VSDSX(虚拟Simmons鼓系统扩展)插件的2.0版,其中添加了本机64位支持和本机Mac AudioUnits格式。这是鼓合成器的全新版本。


Simmons六角形电子鼓在80年代无处不在的唱片和现场表演中,被Genesis,King Crimson,Jean Michel Jarre,Prince,Herbie Hancock,Pink Floyd等艺术家和乐队使用。
由戴夫·西蒙斯(Dave Simmons)发明的最著名的鼓脑被称为SDSV或SDS5,这是一种鼓合成器,可以在定义一代人声音的同时,将合成带入鼓手的手中。


由于那里没有适用于该图例的准确VST …

我必须制作VSDSX,这是具有大量新增功能的完美娱乐!这是献给戴夫·西蒙斯(Dave Simmons)的作品。

VSDSX代表Virtual Simmons Drum System Extended(虚拟席梦思鼓系统扩展)的代表,它为每种声音或被称为(模块)的声音提供与真实事物最接近的体验,它可以准确地模拟模拟声音的产生,内部电路调整,触发速度灵敏度以及所有细节您可以在专用手册中找到说明。
VSDSX现在是第2版,具有其他功能,其中包括完美模拟的Simmons Digital ClapTrap模块,鼓掌合成器,它结合了可变采样率数字源和变调的模拟噪声,该设备的原始功能是永远不会产生相同的声音两次。尽管它已集成在VSDSX中,但仍提供了具有立体声加宽和半音阶(按音符)触发功能的专用插件作为奖励。



Win64; VST3,VSTi


Aly James Lab has released version 2.0 of the VSDSX (Virtual Simmons Drums System Extended) plugin adding native 64-bit support and native Mac AudioUnits format. This is a completely new version of the drum synth.

An analog drum synth legend now in V2
You probably already heard a Simmons drum synth without even knowing it… wondering what was used to produce that huge drum sound?

The Simmons hexagonal shaped Electronic drums were all over the place on countless records and live shows during the 80s , used by artists and bands like Genesis, King Crimson, Jean Michel Jarre, Prince, Herbie Hancock, Pink Floyd etc…
The sound was not especially realistic but it got a sound of is own, huge and versatile.
Invented by Dave Simmons, the most famous drum brain was called SDSV or SDS5 , a drum synthesizer, bringing synthesis into the drummer’s hands at the same time as defining the sound of a generation.

Often used in a lazy way to generate disco-esque pewww pewww tom sounds, the SDSV module could produced a wide range of sounds. It got great punch and sensitivity.
The SDSV successor called SDS7 added digital lo-fi samples and additional features such as bend direction or FM modulation as means for broader range of possible sounds.

The SDSV is a historical analog gear that has a place in the sound of the 80s and is still used today as secret weapon, drum layering or central part for genre defined music.
Only around 5000 of these drum brains where produced so don’t count on finding a working one easily and for cheap.
As there were no accurate VST for this legend out there…

I had to make VSDSX, a perfect recreation with tons of added new features! this is dedicated to Dave Simmons.

VSDSX, which stands for Virtual Simmons Drum System Extended, provides the closest experience to the real thing, for each voice or as it was called (module) it models accurately the analog sound generation, internal circuitry tuning, trigger velocity sensitivity and all the details you can find explained inside the dedicated manual.
For its hybrid voices (HIHAT, CYMBAL, PROM & CLAP are a mix of analog/digital) clocks and counters reading EPROM memory at variable sample rate are perfectly emulated in realtime.
It models the SSM2044 filters offering fine tuning control over internal control voltages, trigger shapes, and VCA response. It also emulates how the module will react if triggered with pads or sequencer…MIDI velocity will change the synthesized sound drastically whether you use real drums trigger detection or piano roll style composition.
Offering multi output capability for your DAW, VSDSX will give you that legendary powerful analog punch! On top of the cake, one voice can load your own external EPROM image data (digital sample) like on a real SDS1 (EPROM based) pad…offering a whole new range of sounds.
VSDSX is now on version 2 and features among other cool things a perfectly emulated Simmons Digital ClapTrap module, a clap synth which combines a variable sample rate digital source combined with pitched analog noise, an original feature of the unit was to never produce the same sound twice. Although it is integrated inside VSDSX a dedicated plugin with stereo widening and chromatic (per note) trigger capabilty is provided as a bonus.

VSDSX provides a huge synthetic drum sound by itself and can also be used with great efficiency in drum layering. Parameters automation and modulation can turn this thing into a crazy an creative sound source

Using it for layering with VPROM can produce a nasty funky sound which combines analog and early digital!

Win64; VST3, VSTi

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