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音效增强工具 – Bongiovi Acoustics DPS Audio Enhancer v2.2.6.2 WiN

Bongiovi Acoustics DPS Audio Enhancer v2.2.6.2 WiN| Size: 17.5 MB

借助Bongiovi DPS,可以即时纠正,改善和优化任何计算机系统的声音。借助Digital Power Station DPS技术,您将可以通过笔记本电脑或台式机体验更多的深度,清晰度,低音清晰度,状态和增强的立体声场成像。

视频游戏,应用,音乐和电影,视频,VOIP和视频会议软件,例如Google Voice™,Skype™和Face-time™;一切都将通过计算机的板载扬声器,外部扬声器或耳机来实现。

这一切都始于一个叫做Motown的地方。 Tony Bongiovi与Stevie Wonder,Marvin Gaye和The Supremes等艺术家一起开始了他的传奇职业生涯。后来,他继续与Jimi Hendrix,Talking Heads和The Ramones一起录制历史专辑。合理的下一步是建立自己的录音室…


受Powerstation的能力启发,使录制的音乐栩栩如生,Bongiovi Acoustics开发了一项技术,可以为当今的数字世界提供相同的影响力和体验。一种基于软件的解决方案,可以优化任何利用声音的内容。

Bongiovi Acoustics的DPS
数字电站– DPS技术是一项具有120个校准点的专利算法,可实时优化任何音频信号。 DPS只需将其实施到设备或系统中,即可增加深度,清晰度,清晰度,存在感和令人难以置信的立体成像。


With Bongiovi DPS, instantaneously correct, improve and optimize the sound of any computer system. With Digital Power Station DPS technology, you’ll experience added depth, clarity, bass definition, presence and enhanced stereo field imaging via your laptop or desktop computer.

Video games, apps, music and movies, videos, VOIP and video conferencing software like Google Voice™, Skype™ and Face-time™; will all come to life through the computer’s on board speakers, external speakers or headphones.

The Legacy
It all started in a place called Motown. Tony Bongiovi began his legendary career working with artists such as Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye & The Supremes. He later went on to record historic albums with Jimi Hendrix, Talking Heads & The Ramones. The logical next step was building his own recording studio…

The Powerstation
The undisputed platinum standard of recording studios. The Stones, Nile Rodgers, Madonna, Aerosmith, Springsteen, Clapton: all part of an endless list of superstar artists who came to record at the Powerstation. A recorded sound so powerful, so deep and so satisfying, it was hailed as the Sound of Rock.

The Digital Age
Inspired by The Powerstation’s ability make recorded music feel alive, Bongiovi Acoustics has developed a technology that delivers the same impact and experience for today’s digital world. A software based solution that optimizes anything that utilizes sound.

DPS by Bongiovi Acoustics
Digital Power Station – DPS technology is a patented algorithm with 120 calibration points that optimizes any audio signal in real time. DPS adds depth, clarity, definition, presence and incredible stereo field imaging, just by implementing it into a device or system.

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