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学习如何编印度歌曲 – Udemy Learn Singing 4 Indian Songs Step By Step! TUTORIAL

本课程特别献给所有想要学习印度歌曲但因任何原因尚未找到合适老师的人。 因此,我创建了这个,以便您可以在方便的时间以自己的节奏从任何大陆学习它。 不过,即使有高手,也可以借鉴。 你的学习意图是这里的关键。

首先,您不需要成为专业人士并掌握大量声乐技巧才能开始本课程。 第一部分提供了一些简单而出色的工具,可以让您自信地唱歌,您可以在日常生活中应用它们。 如果你运用得当,这些简单的习惯可以展现你独特的声音,并积极改变你的生活方式。 要有耐心,自然地找到你独特的声音。

建议您遵循第 1 部分和第 4 部分每周视频的顺序。 这些歌曲的选择方式将使您逐渐理解和应用印度声乐装饰。 如果你是初学者,请慢慢来,每首歌至少要给一周的时间来学习和沉淀。 然后,您可以继续播放下一首歌曲。

在观看本周的任何视频之前,请先下载工具包、日历以及歌词和翻译 pdf。

此外,本课程适合初学者,旨在让外国人可以有效地学习歌曲。 如果你的歌唱水平很高,你可以跳过重复。

如有任何疑问,请写信给我 -> baishalirocking@gmail.com 或使用 FB 社区组。


This course is especially dedicated to everyone who wants to learn Indian songs and hasn’t found the right master for any reason. So, I have created this one so that you can learn it from any continent at your convenient time and at your own pace. However, you can learn from it even if you have a master. Your intention of learning is the main key here.

First of all, you don’t need to be a pro doing lots of vocal techniques to start this course.  There are simple yet great tools for singing with confidence are provided in the first section that you can apply in your daily life. These simple habits can bring out your unique voice and change your lifestyle positively if you apply them properly. Have patience and find your unique voice naturally.

It is recommended that you follow the sequence of Section 1 and 4 weekly videos. The songs are selected in a way that you will progress in understanding and applying Indian vocal ornaments gradually. If you are a beginner, please take your time, each song should be given at least one week time to learn and settle down. Then, you can move on to the next song.

Please download the Toolkit, Calender and lyrics & translation pdf before you move to any videos of the week.

Moreover, This course is Beginner friendly, designed in a way that foreigners can learn the song in an effective way. If you are advanced in singing, you can skip the repetitions.

For any query, write me here -> baishalirocking@gmail.com or use FB Community Group.

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