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Zenhiser Peaktime – Driving Techno WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 03 April 2024 | 590.66 MB

是的,我们正在以“Peaktime”的方式进入本周。 Techno 听起来从未如此美妙!该合集包含超过 5GB 的内容,可让您的文件变得松散。 低音驱动、节拍泵浦、合成器攻击,同时平衡一系列完美的幸福频率。

“Peaktime”是大多数推动 Techno 子流派的典型展厅中心作品。

该包包含多种 Techno 制作所需的几乎所有内容:鼓循环、音乐循环、低音循环、打击乐循环、隆隆循环、原子循环、合成器循环、伴奏 MIDI、低音 One Shot、鼓 One Shot、合成器 One Shot 和 FX 一枪。 这是一整套触手可及的 Techno 优点。


437 样品


Yep, we’re pounding our way into the week with ‘Peaktime’. Techno never sounded this good!This collection ramps up with over 5GB of content that will rattle your filings loose. Basslines drive, beats pump, synths attack, all whilst balancing a perfect array of blissful frequencies.

‘Peaktime’ is the quintessential showroom centrepiece for most sub genres of Techno that push.

The pack contains just about everything you need for multiple Techno productions, drum loops, music loops, bass loops, percussion loops, rumble loops atoms loops, synth loops, accompanying midi, bass one shots, drum one shots, synth one shots, and FX one shots. That’s a whole bundle of Techno goodness at your fingertips.

Analogue character, digital drive, time to light up the clubs with ‘Peaktime’.

437 Samples

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