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X声音设计器 – Best Service Galaxy X Complete for Best Service engine Incl. key

14 January 2022 | 10.2 GB

经过三年的开发,Galaxy Instruments 自豪地推出了一款激动人心的全新虚拟乐器,具有非凡的全新声音设计:GALAXY X

X 是一个 CONVOLUTION SYNTHESIZER,为您带来了一个非常强大和创造性的声音设计工具:FX CONVOLUTION。 X 具有 1400 多个卷积 X 文件,可以完全改变超过 15GB 的源声音,所有这些都是专门为 X 录制和调整的。Galaxy X 分为三个乐器类别,提供完整的制作包。

对于即时使用,您可以从 1000 多种即用型乐器层中进行选择。借助专门创建的、非常直观且有效的用户界面,您可以轻而易举地完全更改乐器层或从头开始创建新的乐器层。欢迎进入声音设计的新世界。

X-FX – 具有各种效果声音

X-KEYS – 可演奏的乐器

X-LOOPS – 数以千计的特效循环

声音类别包括球体 – 影响 – 节奏 – 音调可播放的循环 – 大量效果 – 变形声音 – 序列 – 电影音景 – 狂野的氛围 – 无人机 – 效果凹槽 – 反转的声音 – 从平滑和深沉到坚硬和沉重,等等. Galaxy X 非常适合配乐 – 游戏 – 环境 – 寒冷 – 配乐 – 恍惚 – 电子音乐 – 舞蹈 – 流行 – 渐进式 – 实验……
… 适合所有正在寻找新声音的人。

X 卷积

对于 Galaxy X,这两个声音文件是 Sources 和 X-Files。
SOURCES 是专门为与 FX Convolution 一起使用而专门录制和调整的样本集。总而言之,X 提供了大约 15BG 的源素材,带有近 1000 个音调可播放的源键乐器、超过 2000 个效果声音和超过 5000 个循环。
X-FILES 是脉冲响应,专门为 FX 卷积创建,它可以塑造、扭曲、过滤、反转、加深、变形,甚至破坏和重建源声音。
在 X-Engine 的 X-Files 中,蔚蓝琴变成了调音管弦乐队,弯曲的呼吸机沉入了钢琴的共鸣,西塔琴撞到了玻璃的碰撞声中,音调的舞蹈循环从卡林巴中升起。
Sources 和 X-Files 的结合创造了数以万亿计的前所未有的声音!


X-EYE 是 X 表面的中心。它的颜色对应于 FX 卷积的数量。
X 的伟大之处在于,您始终可以通过简单地使用调制轮或任何其他 MIDI 控制器轻松动态地更改 FX 卷积量。
这样可以调制 X 的最终声音。聆听您的音乐并立即决定 Source 应该卷积多少。


FEED FOR THE BEAST – 来源 总体而言,您可以从 4000 多种基本来源声音中进行选择,这些声音基于 16000 多个样本。
近 1000 个音调可播放源,如弓形木槌和钹、钢琴泛音、水管、迷你 celesta、合成攻击和怪人、不同的钢琴、弹拨和敲打乐器、噪音或反转声音。

超过 2000 种效果声音,例如魔术球、旋转木头、电路弯曲噪音、刮擦的钹、电子效果、工业和机器样本或长笛和语音短语。

超过 5000 个出色的 LOOPS,例如舌鼓、身体打击乐、世界打击乐、音调 Loop、切碎的 Loop、乙烯基 Loop 和怪异的 Loop,如 Rod Spring Piano 或 Trembling Chimes。

X 文件 – 脉冲响应

X 档案在 Sources 上留下了自己的印记,无论是包络、频率、位置还是音调和共振。他们实现的那种效果总是取决于 Source 和 X-File 之间的交互。 Galaxy X 作为一种虚拟仪器,同时具有源文件和卷积文件,让我们有机会相互协调它们。
X-FILES 的效果范围从过滤源到整形、加深、变形或完全变异。
我们录制了数百个“真实的”X 文件,例如乐器共振、乐句、“受虐待的乐器”、语音噪音或环境噪音,并对其进行了大量处理,以对音源产生巨大影响。
我们反转了所有类型的 X 文件,以便为每个 X 源创建反向效果。


Galaxy X 首次将卷积源和 X-Files 整合到一个虚拟仪器中。这使我们能够将 FX 卷积的所有声音和方面协调到一个具有直观、简单但有效的用户界面的集成系统中。源声音从界面顶部的三角形“源”部分开始。源最多可以分层三个,已经创建了一大堆复杂的源。这些组合的源声音以逆时针方向进入下一个模块。
Pre-X-Engine 为 FX 卷积准备源。源可以被扭曲、压缩和压碎,导致与 X-File 的交互非常不同。 “Dirt”部分之后是一个 Groove 和 Sequence 发生器或一个 EQ/Filter 部分。 Contour 对信号进行整形,Repeat 添加过滤后的回波,之后也会进行卷积。
Sources 和 Pre-X 效果器的组合已经创造了无数复杂的声音。但这些只是野兽的饲料:X-Engine。
X-Engine 是 X 的卷积模块。您可以在此处选择 X-File,更改其长度和调音,将其同步到主机速度并反转它,如果您选择这样做的话。主要控制是“X-Factor”,代表卷积量。 “X-Factor”始终由调制轮控制(除非您选择另一个控制器)并且始终由居中的 X-Eye 可视化,因此您始终可以“密切关注”卷积量。
最后,Post-X-Engine 使用平移自动化、颜色和过滤器控制以及最终的空间模块来完成 Xed 声音。在 Space 后面隐藏了另一个卷积模块,但这次专门用于各种混响,从奇怪的小空间到泰姬陵。




一台虚拟仪器中的 FX 卷积集成系统

完整的制作套件:X-Keys、X-FX 和 X-Loops

超过 1000 个即用型乐器层


15GB 源声音

超过 1000 个多重采样的 Source Key Instruments

超过 5000 个源循环

超过 2000 种源效果声音

超过 1400 个卷积 X 文件,用于完全改变源声音


使用 Mod Wheel 轻松动态使用卷积

X-Eye 用于可视化卷积量

音乐和直观的 Pre-X 和 Post-X 效果




After three years of development Galaxy Instruments proudly presents an exciting new virtual instrument with an extraordinary new kind of sound design: GALAXY X

X is a CONVOLUTION SYNTHESIZER, bringing an extremely powerful and creative sound design tool at your disposal: FX CONVOLUTION. X features over 1400 convolution X-Files to completely alter more than 15GB of source sounds, all specifically recorded and tweaked for X. Divided into three instrument categories, Galaxy X delivers a complete production pack.

For instant use, you can choose from over 1000 READY-TO-PLAY INSTRUMENT LAYERS. With the specially created, very intuitive and effective user interface, it´s a snap to completely change an instrument layer or create new ones from scratch. Welcome into a new world of Sound Design.

X-FX – featuring all kinds of effect sounds

X-KEYS – tonally playable instruments

X-LOOPS – thousands of special effect loops

Sound categories include spheres – impacts – rhythms – tonally playable loops – tons of effects – morphed sounds – sequences – cinematic soundscapes – wild ambiences – drones – effect grooves – reversed sounds – all from smooth and deep to hard and heavy, and a lot more. Galaxy X works great for Score Music – Games – Ambient – Chill – Soundtrack – Trance – Electronic Music – Dance – Pop – Progressive – Experimental …
… for everybody who is looking for new sounds.


In the audio world, convolution is the process of multiplying two signals together or folding one audio file over the other one. The result is a hybrid of the two original sounds, introducing a whole new world of sound creations.
With Galaxy X, those two sound files are the Sources and the X-Files.
The SOURCES are sample sets especially and exclusively recorded and tweaked for the use with FX Convolution. All in all X delivers about 15BG of source material with almost 1000 tonally playable source key instruments, over 2000 Effect Sounds and over 5000 Loops.
The X-FILES are Impulse Responses, specifically created for FX convolution, which shape, twist, filter, reverse, deepen, morph and even destroy and rebuild the source sounds.
By the X-Engine’s X-Files a celeste mutates into a tuning orchestra, a bowed ventilator sinks into the resonances of a piano, a sitar smashes into a clatter of glass, a tonal dance loop arises from a kalimba.
The combination of Sources and X-Files creates trillions of sounds unheard before!

The „X-EYE“

The X-EYE is the center of the X surface. Its color corresponds to the amount of FX-convolution in action.
The great thing about X is that you are always in charge of easily and dynamically changing the amount of FX convolution by simply using the Modulation Wheel or any other midi controller.
This way the final sound of X can be modulated. Listen to your music and instantly decide, how much the Source should be convolved.


FEED FOR THE BEAST – The Sources Overall you can choose from over 4000 basic source sounds, which are based on over 16000 samples.
Almost 1000 TONALLY PLAYABLE SOURCES like bowed mallets and cymbals, piano overtones, waterphone, mini-celesta, synthetic attacks and weirdos, different pianos, plucked and beaten instruments, noises or reversed sounds.

Over 2000 EFFECT SOUNDS such as magic balls, whirling wood, circuit bent noises, scratched cymbals, electronic effects, industrial and machine samples or flute and voice phrases.

Over 5000 exceptional LOOPS such as tongue drum, body percussion, world percussions, tonal loops, chopped loops, vinyl loops and weird ones like Rod Spring Piano or Trembling Chimes.

X FILES – Impulse Responses

The X-Files put their mark on the Sources, be it the envelope, the frequency, the position or tonality and resonance. The kind of effect they achieve always depends on the interaction between Source and X-File. Galaxy X being a virtual instrument featuring both the sources and the convolution files gave us the opportunity to co-ordinate them on each other.
The effect of the X-FILES ranges from filtering the source to shaping, deepening, morphing or completely mutating it.
We recorded hundreds of ´real´ X-Files like instrument resonances, phrases, ´mistreated instruments´, voice noises or environmental noises and treated them big time for great effects on the sources.
We sampled different rooms, vintage equipment like tape delays or old turntables, ….. We programmed noises for filtering and shaping the sources or recorded and tweaked different loops for creating tonally playable loops.
We reversed all kind of X-Files for creating reverse effects for every X-Source.


Galaxy X brings convolution sources and X-Files together into one virtual instrument for the first time. This enabled us to co-ordinate all sounds and aspects of FX convolution into one integrated system with an intuitive, easy, but effective user interface. The source sounds start in the top triangle of the interface, the Sources section. The Sources can be layered by up to three, already creating a whole bunch of complex sources. These combined source sounds take their way counter-clockwise to the next module.
The Pre-X-Engine prepares the sources for FX-convolution. The source can be distorted, crunched and crushed, resulting in a very different interaction with the X-File. The ´Dirt´ Section is followed by either a Groove and Sequence generator or an EQ/Filter section. Contour shapes the signal and Repeat adds filtered echoes, also being convolved afterwards.
The combination of Sources and Pre-X effects already creates a zillion of complex sounds. But these are only the feed for the beast: the X-Engine.
The X-Engine is the convolution module of X. This is where you choose your X-File, change its length and tuning, sync it to the host tempo and reverse it, if you choose to do so. The main control is the ´X-Factor´, representing the amount of convolution. The ´X-Factor´ is always controlled by the Modulation Wheel (unless you choose another controller) and always visualized by the centered X-Eye, so you can always ´keep an eye´ on the convolution amount.
At the end, the Post-X-Engine finalizes the Xed sound with a panning automation, Color and Filter control and the final Space module. Behind Space hides another convolution module, but this time exclusively serving for all kinds of reverb, from weird small spaces to the Taj Mahal.


Convolution Synthesizer

New sound synthesis for exciting new sounds

Integrated system for FX convolution in one virtual instrument

Complete production kit: X-Keys, X-FX and X-Loops

More than 1000 ready-to-play Instrument Layers

Easy creation of user sounds

15GB of Source Sounds

More than 1000 multi-sampled Source Key Instruments

More than 5000 Source Loops

More than 2000 Source Effect Sounds

More than 1400 Convolution X-Files for completely altering the source sounds

Complex sound design with an extremely intuitive user interface

Easy dynamic use of convolution using the Mod Wheel

X-Eye for visualizing the amount of convolution

Musical and intuitive Pre-X and Post-X effects

Endless sound possibilities designed by you

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