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UAD Luna系统混音 – Sonic Academy How To Mix using Universal Audio Luna with Kirk Degiorgio

Techside | 25th April 2023 | 772 Mo

对于那些拥有 UAD Luna 系统的人来说是一个很好的入门者

本周我们欢迎 Kirk Degiorgio 回来参加详细的混音课程,使用来自 Universal Audio – Luna 的备受关注的新 DAW。

使用 Steven Rutter 和 Bryoni 从他们的专辑“Starcrossed”中录制的 Kirk 即将发行的“Room Without a View”混音,这是对 Kirk 如何进行混音过程的有趣洞察。 从一个 DAW 到另一个 DAW 的导出和导入以分离音轨创建的生产端并从新鲜的耳朵开始,我们设置混音,然后通过每个元素和总线组进行微调并准备好发送音轨 关闭掌握。

凭借快速直接的 GUI 和工作流程选项,Luna 正在为制作人处理混音流程铺平道路。



Great starter for those who have UAD Luna system

This week we welcome back Kirk Degiorgio for a detailed mixing course using the much talked about new DAW from Universal Audio – Luna.

Using Kirk’s soon-to-be-released remix of ‘Room Without a View’ by Steven Rutter & Bryoni from their album ‘Starcrossed’, this is a fascinating insight into how Kirk carries out his mixdown process. Starting with the export and import from one DAW to another to separate the production side of track creation and begin with fresh ears, we set up the mix before going through each element and bus group to fine-tune and get the track ready to be sent off for mastering.

With a quick and straightforward GUI and workflow options, Luna is paving the way in which producers are tackling the mixdown process.

Check it out and see why Luna has become a hot topic in the world of mixing!

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