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Toolbox Samples Me and My Piano WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 27 November 2023 | 1.09 GB

探索世界上最美丽和最受欢迎的乐器……钢琴的广阔土地! 专为制作人创造和激发灵感而设计。 该套装包含 80 个钢琴循环(干湿两种形式,以实现最大的灵活性),可从各种不同的流派中进行选择,重点关注情感。 悠闲的氛围旨在激发音乐中的平静和惊奇感。 涵盖民谣、流行音乐、氛围音乐、休闲音乐和休闲音乐等流派……此样本包专门针对有史以来最受欢迎和多功能的乐器之一……钢琴。 没有什么花哨的。 制作 – 只有 1 位专业人士演奏的诚实的钢琴进行曲,因此您可以访问一些精彩的免版税循环! 无论您制作哪种流派,钢琴连复段都可以让任何歌曲焕发活力。 在这个样本包中,我们聘请了一位拥有超过 25 年经验的专业钢琴家,为您提供各种钢琴即兴演奏组合,供您在作品中使用。 拥有 80 个级数,您将有丰富的选择来创建您的下一首曲目。 内容: 80 个湿钢琴循环 80 个干钢琴循环


Explore the vast land of the worlds most beautiful & popular instrument… the Piano! Made for producers to create and inspire. Choose from a variety of different genres with this set that includes 80 piano loops (in wet & dry forms for maximum flexibility) with a focus on emotion. and laid back vibes designed to inspire a sense of calm and wonder in your music. Covering Ballad, Pop, Ambient, Chill Out & Lounge genres just to name a few… this sample pack is in dedication to one of the most popular and versatile instruments ever made… the piano. No fancy. production – just honest piano progressions played by 1 pro so you have access to some fantastic royalty free loops! No matter which genre you’re making, a piano riff can bring any song alive. In this sample pack we hired a professional pianist of over 25 years to give you an assorted mix of piano riffs to use in your productions. With 80 progressions you’ll have a wealth of choice to create your next track. Contents: 80 Wet Piano Loops 80 Dry Piano Loops

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