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Steinberg Nuendo v12.0.20-V.R WIN

V.R | 27 April 2022 | 889 MB

作为最先进的音频后期制作解决方案,Nuendo 是全球电影、电视、游戏音频和沉浸式音响行业专业人士的选择。自从首次发布以来,Nuendo 一直是为许多备受瞩目的作品、产品和装置创作配乐的重要工具。定期更新新功能、改进工作流程和用户请求的附加功能意味着 Nuendo 不断超越专用于音频后期的音频工作站的期望,具有高端(通常是独特的)功能,继续音频和媒体制作软件的持续革命.

清晰的语音是流媒体内容、电影和电视的音频叙事中最重要的元素。 Nuendo 12 包含许多新功能和改进,以帮助确保对话不仅被清晰地听到,而且声音设计师和后期制作工作室可以尽可能快速、准确和高效地工作。凭借用于对话录制和编辑、制作基于耳机的双耳混音等头条新闻的新功能,Nuendo 12 可以真正被称为对话之家。

Nuendo 12 对清理和编辑对话轨道进行了重大改进,帮助您提供清晰、自然的语音词干,同时最大限度地减少编辑对话所花费的时间。解决声音编辑器所面临挑战的新功能和增强功能包括 AI 驱动的对话检测,这是一种单次击键功能,可从曲目中去除不需要的噪音并仅保留对话部分。 Nuendo 12 还增加了将来自位置记录的多个剪辑对齐到多个参考的能力,无需复杂的变通方法即可进行细微的时间校正,并轻松集成旨在使声音编辑器的生活更轻松的第三方技术。

Auto-Align® 柱支撑
领夹式麦克风和吊杆之间的距离可能会随着演员的移动而变化,随着时间的推移会改变相位。 Nuendo 12 与 Auto-Align Post 2 无缝集成,使连续移动麦克风的时间和相位对齐变得更加容易。集成为 ARA 2 插件扩展,只需使用 Auto-Align Post 并选择参考音轨即可。该过程是非破坏性的,原始音频始终完好无损,可以立即调用或重新处理。

o Nuendo 12 为音频事件淡入淡出编辑提供了许多新的细节工具和快捷方式,包括带有淡入淡出修饰键的新尺寸。
o 您现在还可以使用键盘命令在所有四个方向上增加或减少范围选择,包括移动范围选择本身。
o 有一个新选项可以创建或修改淡入/淡出长度,同时通过按住修改键并使用“选择”工具调整事件大小。
o 除了使用鼠标和工具修改器之外,您现在还可以为滑动编辑分配键盘命令。

作为对话之家,在 Nuendo 12 中,我们特别关注对话录制的挑战。我们不仅改进了 ADR Taker 的用户界面,还添加了新功能和智能改进,无论您是准备 ADR 会话、Netflix 的语言配音项目,还是使用想要快速导入其脚本的第三方应用程序并轻松进入 Nuendo。这些功能将为您节省数小时的时间,减少重复性任务,从根本上增强您的工作流程。

Netflix 的 TTAL 对话脚本支持
Nuendo 12 支持 TTAL 文件的导入和导出,这是 Netflix 用于处理语言配音项目的专有脚本格式。 TTAL 脚本内容被转换为可记录的 ADR 标记,包括对话文本、字符和有用的元数据,例如屏幕上/关闭通知等。在 ADR 制作过程中做出的脚本更改决定可以在 Nuendo 标记编辑器中记录,并且通过 TTAL 导出功能回到工作流程。

连接到 EdiCue
Nuendo 12 支持 EdiCue v4,这是一款屡获殊荣的 ADR 提示应用程序。使用 EdiCue 项目界面窗口在 Nuendo 中创建提示允许对话主管从 PDF 拍摄脚本加载字符文本并应用所需的属性以实现流畅的录制会话。提示数据存储在 Nuendo 的循环标记中,允许即时记录。或者,EdiCue 可以从 EdiCue PDF cue sheet 中导入 cue 数据,直接发送到 Nuendo,准备好进行录制。您还可以将 Nuendo 循环标记中的数据直接导入 EdiCue,并将自定义的提示表导出为 PDF。

Nuendo 一直处于沉浸式混音的前沿。它是第一个为 VR 内容创作实现完整功能集的应用程序,也是第一个提供完整的内置杜比全景声内容创作的 DAW。现在,Nuendo 12 通过提供最全面的耳机双耳混音环境,又向前迈出了一大步。随着音量自动化、远程对象平移、空间监控等方面的新改进,Nuendo 12 是您每次沉浸式混音所需的应用程序。

空间控制器 OSC 控制支持
Nuendo 12 还包括对 Space Controller OSC 的全面支持。由 Sound Particles(颠覆性沉浸式音频工具的专家)开发,Space Controller OSC 将移动设备连接到 Nuendo,并将设备的物理运动链接到软件,只需将手机指向用户的位置即可完全控制其平移工具想发出声音。

通过耳机收听时,声音会受到许多因素的影响,包括预期用途的构造质量、材料等。要真实判断耳机上双耳内容的频率和空间域,中性频率响应至关重要。 Headphones Match 插件使用基于 FFT 的频谱算子将准确的补偿曲线应用于来自一百家制造商的 387 种不同型号的耳机的监听输出。它是在受控的相同环境中测量的,每条曲线有超过 500 个频点。您还可以在此插件中模拟另一副耳机的声音。

Nuendo 12 具有增强的声音设计和音乐功能。有新的和改进的 FX 插件,与外部控制器的更好集成,当然还有 Cubase 12 的所有音乐功能。这确保了 Cubase 项目将在 Nuendo 中无缝运行,在交叉分级时不会丢失数据或音频信息。

无论您从事电影、电视、游戏音频还是任何其他音频领域的工作,我们都会一直倾听我们的 Nuendo 用户的意见,以了解他们在世界领先的声音设计和后期制作软件中所需的新功能和改进。 Nuendo 12 包括几个用户请求的更新,这些更新将改善整个应用程序中各种不同任务的工作流程和生产力。


我们升级了 Nuendo 在大型项目中导航和缩放的性能,使其比以往任何时候都更快、更快捷。

可以将键盘命令指定为在时间线中向后或向前跳跃 5、10 或 20 秒。

示例编辑器现在还为不同部分使用更新的 UI 控件,进一步提高了应用程序内的一致性。


使用触控板、Magic Mouse 和鼠标滚轮进行缩放和滚动
在所有编辑器窗口、MediaBay 和 MixConsole 中,使用鼠标滚轮或触控板的缩放和滚动行为都得到了改进。

Nuendo 12 中的视频引擎具有性能和稳定性改进。对于 macOS 用户,它不再需要 OpenGL,允许原生 Apple 芯片支持。

冻结检测(仅限 Windows)
冻结检测会定期检查主 UI 线程是否长时间挂起。如果检测到冻结,冻结检测会创建转储文件。

所有涉及路由更改的操作的性能都得到了改进。 Nuendo 12 现在还支持最新一代 AMD Threadripper 上的高核数 CPU。

您现在可以使用 Nudge 命令从 Snap/Grid 设置中分离编辑操作,让您使用小节/节拍网格进行基于鼠标的编辑,但使用 Nudge 键命令来调整位置和长度。





As the most advanced audio post-production solution available, Nuendo is the choice of film, TV, game audio and immersive sound industry professionals worldwide. Ever since its initial release, Nuendo has been a vital tool in creating the soundtrack to many high-profile productions, products and installations. Regular updates with new features, workflow improvements and additional, user-requested functions mean that Nuendo constantly exceeds the expectations of an audio workstation dedicated to audio post, with high end — often unique — capabilities that continue an ongoing revolution in audio and media production software.

Clear speech is the most essential element in the audio narrative of streamed content, film and television. Nuendo 12 includes many new features and improvements to help make sure that dialogue is not only clearly heard, but sound designers and post-production studios can work as quickly, accurately and efficiently as possible. With headline new features for dialogue recording and editing, producing headphone-based binaural mixes and more, Nuendo 12 can truly be called the Home of Dialogue.

Dialogue Editing
Nuendo 12 brings major improvements to cleaning up and editing dialogue tracks, helping you to deliver clear, natural-sounding speech stems while minimizing the time spent editing dialogue. New features and enhancements which address the challenges faced by sound editors include AI-powered Dialogue Detection, a single keystroke feature to remove unwanted noise from a track and leave only the dialogue parts. Nuendo 12 also adds the ability to align multiple clips from location recordings to multiple references, make subtle timing corrections without convoluted workarounds and effortlessly integrate third-party technologies designed to make the lives of sound editors easier.

Auto-Align® Post support
The distance between lavalier microphones and the boom may vary as actors move around, shifting the phase over time. Nuendo 12 features seamless integration with Auto-Align Post 2, making time and phase alignment of continuously moving microphones much easier. Integrated as an ARA 2 plug-in extension, it is sim ply a matter of engaging Auto-Align Post and selecting a reference audio track. The process is non-destructive, with the original audio always intact and ready to be instantly recalled or reprocessed.

Even more editing improvements
o Nuendo 12 offers many new detail tools and shortcuts for audio event fade editing, including the new size with fade modifier key.
o You can now also use key commands to increase or decrease a range selection in all four directions, including moving the range selection itself.
o There is a new option to create or modify fade in/out length while resizing events by holding a modifier key and using the Select tool.
o You can now assign key commands for slip editing besides using the mouse and tool modifiers.

Dialogue Recording
As the Home of Dialogue, in Nuendo 12 we have paid special attention to the challenges of dialogue recording. Not only have we revamped the user interface of the ADR Taker, we have added new features and smart improvements, whether you are preparing for an ADR session, a language dubbing project for Netflix or using third-party applications whose scripts you want to import quickly and easily into Nuendo. These features will save you hours of time and make tasks less repetitive, radically enhancing your workflow.

Netflix’s TTAL dialogue script support
Nuendo 12 supports the import and export of TTAL files, Netflix’s proprietary script format for working on language dubbing projects. The TTAL script content is converted to record-ready ADR markers, including the dialogue text, characters and useful metadata, such as on/off screen notices, etc. Script change decisions made during the ADR production can be documented within the Nuendo marker editor and brought back to the workflow through the TTAL export function.

Connection to EdiCue
Nuendo 12 supports EdiCue v4, the award-winning ADR cueing application.Creating cues in Nuendo with the EdiCue Project Interface window allows dialogue supervisors to load character text from PDF shooting scripts and apply the required properties to enable a smooth recording session. Cue data is stored in Nuendo’s cycle markers, allowing for instant record. Alternatively, EdiCue can import cue data from EdiCue PDF cue sheets to send directly to Nuendo, ready for recording. You can also import data from Nuendo’s cycle markers direct into EdiCue and export customized cue sheets as PDFs.

Immersive Mixing
Nuendo has always been at the vanguard of immersive sound mixing. It was the first application to implement a whole feature set for VR content authoring and the first DAW to offer complete in-the-box Dolby Atmos content creation. Now, Nuendo 12 takes another major step forward by offering the most comprehensive environment for binaural mixing with headphones. And with new improvements to volume automation, remote object panning, spatial monitoring and more, Nuendo 12 is the application you need for every immersive mix.

Space Controller OSC Control support
Nuendo 12 also includes full support for Space Controller OSC. Developed by Sound Particles — the specialists in disruptive immersive audio tools — Space Controller OSC connects a mobile device to Nuendo and links the physical movements of the device to the software, enabling full control over its panning tools by simply pointing the phone to where the user wants sounds to come from.

Headphones Match
When listening through headphones the sound is affected by many factors, including intended use build quality, materials and more. To truthfully judge the frequency and spatial domain of binaural content on headphones, a neutral frequency response is vital. The Headphones Match plug-in uses an FFT-based spectral operator to apply an accurate compensation curve to the monitor output for 387 different models of headphones from a hundred manufacturers. It is measured in a controlled, identical environment with more than 500 frequency-points per curve. You can also emulate the sound of a different pair of headphones within this plug-in.

Sound Design & Music Features
Nuendo 12 comes with enhanced features for sound design and music. There are new and improved FX plug-ins, better integration with external controllers and, of course, all the music features of Cubase 12. This ensures Cubase projects will work seamlessly in Nuendo, with no loss of data or audio information when crossgrading.

Workflow and Productivity Improvements
Whether you work in film, television, game audio or any other audio discipline, we are always listening to our Nuendo users to learn about the new features and improvements they need in the world’s leading sound design and post-production software. Nuendo 12 includes several user-requested updates which will improve the workflow and productivity of a wide range of different tasks throughout the application.

Smooth waveform drawing

Waveform drawing is now much smoother, making it easier to look at and to edit audio with pinpoint accuracy.

Performance improvements
We have upgraded Nuendo’s performance for navigating and zooming within large projects, making it faster and snappier than ever before.

New Nudge Cursor key commands
Key commands can be assigned to jump backwards or forwards by 5, 10 or 20 seconds in the timeline.

Sample Editor: User interface improvements
The Sample Editor now also uses updated UI controls for the different sections, further improving consistency within the application.

Audio Event display options
There is a new preference to show or hide the audio file name in addition to the selectable attribute. The clip name (generally the file name) is displayed beside the selected event attributes in brackets.

Zoom and scroll with trackpad, Magic Mouse and mouse wheel
Zoom and scroll behavior with a mouse wheel or trackpad has been improved in all editor windows, the MediaBay and the MixConsole.

Video Engine update
The Video Engine in Nuendo 12 features performance and stability improvements. For macOS users it no longer requires OpenGL, allowing native Apple silicon support.

Freeze Detection (Windows only)
Freeze Detection checks if the main UI thread is hanging for an extended amount of time at regular intervals. If a freeze is detected, Freeze Detection creates a dump file.

Audio Engine improvements
The performance of all actions involving routing changes has been improved. Nuendo 12 now also supports High Core Count CPU on the latest AMD Threadripper generation.

Independent Grid Settings for Nudge edit operations
You can now decouple editing operations using Nudge commands from the Snap/Grid settings, letting you work with a bars/beats grid for mouse-based editing, but the Nudge key commands to adjust positions and lengths.

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