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Sonic Reality Neil Peart Kit (BFD3)

P2P | 1 July 2022 | 4.25 GB

尼尔皮尔特鼓卷。 1:该套件包含来自 Rush 乐队的鼓传奇人物 Neil Peart 的正宗 Drum Workshop® Signature “Snakes and Arrows”套件的样本。该多轨套件由制作人 Nick Raskulinecz(Rush、Foo Fighters、Alice In Chains)录制,为键盘手和电子鼓手提供具有难以置信的真实感的终极高保真摇滚声音。

2006 年,他们 [Drum Workshop] 为我制作了一个“West Coast Kit”,我在上面为我的朋友 Matt Scannell 以及 Snakes and Arrows 录制了几首歌曲。听到这些鼓声的每个人都被他们的声音所震撼,但约翰继续发展他的想法——将不同的层压板组合用于贝壳,就像他的“垂直低音色”创新一样。就像 West Coast 鼓组在音调和共鸣方面超越了 R30 鼓一样,这些新鼓组将它带到了我的老师 Freddie Gruber 所说的“另一个地方”。在我在 West Coast 套件上排练了几周后,我的鼓技师 Lorne “Gump” Wheaton 安装了新的,我真的无法相信它们听起来有多么不同——更大更温暖。

其中一个鼓更大——23 英寸大鼓,这是 John Good 的另一项独特创新。早在 70 年代,当 Rush 开始演出时,我曾经能够走到前面去听其他鼓手。那时我注意到 24 英寸的底鼓有一种特殊的“底鼓”(一旦这个词很恰当),但我更喜欢 22 英寸的可演奏性和动态。约翰怀疑 23 英寸会结合两者的优点,他是对的。 “VL​​T”方法也应用于小军鼓的外壳,这是另一个启示——无论是响应还是声音,都是我演奏过的最好的。嗵鼓有 8″、10″、12″、13″、两个 15″、16″ 和 18″,带有 DW 的涂层透明鼓头。 Remo 提供了一些其他的鼓头,而鼓槌是 Pro-Mark 签名模型。

在较早的网络故事中,我注意到“黑色是新的金色”,这次硬件镀上了黑镍。同样,“红色是新的黑色”,饰面是阿兹台克红,插入一对徽标 Hugh Syme 和我为 CD 包创建的。希腊符号 ouroboros,或蛇吃它的尾巴,围绕着我最喜欢的路标的书法渲染:“蜿蜒的道路”的通用符号。 (在摩托车或快车上,这是你能看到的最好的“蛇和箭”。)重复的图案,在阿兹特克红上的金箔和金属灰色缎子,是由 DW 的大师画家路易创作的加西亚(真正的艺术家)。

镲片是我的标志性 Paragons,由 Sabian 设计,有 22 英寸、20 英寸、18 英寸和两次 16 次撞击,13 英寸高镲,14 英寸“x 帽子”,8 英寸和 10 英寸飞溅,19 英寸和 20 种“中国类型”——加上我们的新创新,带有手鼓叮当声的“Diamondback”。” – Neil Peart

格式:BFD 3.4+
质量:24 位 44.1 kHz 立体声

这是来自 inMusic Brands 的更新库。安装程序是原始的,除了更改其中一个文件中的序列号以稍后绕过库激活

运行 BFD3,转到选项卡工具 – 设置内容位置
按下按钮搜索文件夹并指定安装了库 Sonic Reality – Neil Peart Kit 的文件夹


Neil Peart Drums Vol. 1: The Kit features samples of the authentic Drum Workshop® Signature “Snakes and Arrows” kit of drum legend Neil Peart from the band Rush. Recorded by producer Nick Raskulinecz (Rush, Foo Fighters, Alice In Chains) this multitrack kit offers the ultimate high fidelity rock sound with incredible realism for keyboardists and e-Drummers.

In 2006, they [Drum Workshop] built me a “West Coast Kit” on which I recorded a few songs for my friend Matt Scannell, as well as Snakes and Arrows. Everybody who heard those drums was blown away by their sound, but John continued to develop his ideas—combining different combinations of laminates for the shells, like his “Vertical Low Timbre” innovations. Just as the West Coast kit had eclipsed the R30 drums in tonality and resonance, these new ones take it to what my teacher, Freddie Gruber, would call “another place.” After I had rehearsed a couple of weeks on the West Coast kit, my drum tech, Lorne “Gump” Wheaton, put up the new ones, and I truly couldn’t believe how different they sounded—how much bigger and warmer.

One of these drums is bigger—the 23” bass drum, which is another unique innovation of John Good’s. Back in the 70’s, when Rush were opening shows, I used to be able to go out front and listen to other drummers. I noticed then that 24” bass drums had a particular “kick” (for once the word is apt), but I preferred the playability and dynamics of a 22”. John suspected that the 23” would combine the best of both, and he was right. The “VLT” approach was also applied to the snare drum’s shell, and it was another revelation—the best I have ever played, for both response and sound. The toms are 8”, 10”, 12”, 13”, two 15”, 16”, AND 18”, with DW’s Coated Clear heads. Remo supplies some of the other heads, while the drumsticks are Pro-Mark signature models.

In an earlier Web story, I noted that “black is the new gold,” and this time the hardware is plated in black nickel. Likewise, “red is the new black,” the finish is Aztec Red, inset with a pair of logos Hugh Syme and I created for the CD package. The Greek symbol ouroboros, or snaking eating its tail, surrounds a calligraphic rendering of my favorite road sign: the universal symbol for “winding road.” (On a motorcycle or in a fast car, that’s the best kind of “snake and arrow” you can see.”) The repeating motif, in gold leaf and metallic gray satin over the Aztec Red, was created by DW’s master painter, Louie Garcia (a true artist).

The cymbals are my signature Paragons, by Sabian, with a 22” ride, 20”, 18”, and two 16 crashes, 13” high-hats, 14” “x-hats,”8” and 10” splashes, 19” and 20” China types—plus our new innovation, the “Diamondback,” with tambourine jingles.” – Neil Peart

Format : BFD 3.4+
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

This is an updated library from inMusic Brands. The installer is original, with the exception of changing the serial number in one of the files to bypass the library activation later

Install the library
Run BFD3, go to the tab Tools – Set up content locations
Press the button Search Folder and specify the folder with the installed library Sonic Reality – Neil Peart Kit

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