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Presonus Deep Flight One SOUNDSET-AudioP2P

Team AudioP2P | August 16 2020 | 3.3 GB



深飞行一个独特的混合设计,使其最复杂的仪器库曾创造的存在XT。在很大程度上感谢Studio One的多仪器技术,深飞行One的预置结合了非常有创意的采样与合成技术,同时为您的作品创造一个超凡入化的表达水平。内容主要分为三类:“合成层”、“模块化层”和“现场记录层”。“当然,你可以单独使用这些层中的任何一层的样本集,但通过多种仪器叠加层才是深度飞行一号的真正亮点。

如果您想在Studio One中使用此插件,请下载此插件安装程序。

一旦下载完成,启动Studio One,然后拖放文件到

Studio One应用程序窗口,并按照屏幕上的指示操作。



Creatively-sampled sound library featuring otherworldly, layered sounds from rare vintage synths, field recordings, and more

Pick a Multi Instrument preset in Deep Flight One and simply press and hold a single key to hear human-esque voices rise up alongside inorganic, bit-crushed granular synthesis artifacts. Synclavier drones and voices may swell at first, only to fall away to reveal glassy FM-synth overtones that eventually wash away in oceanic reverb and grey noise. Then pick one of the other 130 presets and try it again. You may hear a neon choir of cyber-angels performing a lightspeed chorale at the Tannhäuser Gate.

Deep Flight One’s unique hybrid design makes it the most complex instrument library ever created for Presence XT. Thanks in no small part to Studio One’s Multi Instrument technology, Deep Flight One’s presets combine extraordinarily creative sampling with synthesis technologies simultaneously to create an otherworldly level of expressiveness for your productions. Content is divided into three main categories: “Synth Layers,” “Modular Layers,” and “Field Recording Layers.” You can use sample sets from any of these layers alone, of course, but stacking layers via Multi Instruments is where Deep Flight One really shines

Download the Add-on installer if you want to user the Add-on with Studio One.
Once the download has completed, launch Studio One, then drag & drop the file into the
Studio One application window and follow the onscreen instructions.

Recomended: PreSonus.Studio.One.5.Professional.v5.0.1.Incl.Patched.and.Keygen-R2R

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