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Polyphonic Music Library Exploring Dissonance WAV TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 14 January 2024 | 766 MB

探索不和谐包含 20 个爵士钢琴循环、19 个不和谐钢琴纹理和 2 个关于爵士钢琴理论和纹理的完整教程。 该包突出了不和谐的和弦进行与强烈的旋律主线的混合,其灵感来自于 20 世纪 70 年代早期的意大利或法国电影。 所有钢琴声部均使用一对立体声 Coles 4038 麦克风、Sony C37a 和 Neumann U47 fet 通过 Trident A-Range 调音台在雅马哈 C7 大钢琴上录制。

如果您使用样本将唱片放在主要标签上,您将与 Mario Luciano 公平分配出版和联合制作信用 + 公平分配前期制作人费用(如适用)(联系方式:Polyphonicmusiclibrary@gmail。 com(如果是这种情况)。 完全没有样品清理的麻烦。


Exploring Dissonance contains 20 Jazz piano loops, 19 Dissonant piano textures and 2 full length tutorials on Jazz Piano Theory and texture. This pack highlights dissonant chord progressions mixed with strong melodic leads lines, inspired from what you might hear from an Italian or French film from the early 1970s. All piano parts were recorded on a Yamaha C7 Grand Piano using a stereo pair of Coles 4038 mics, Sony C37a and a Neumann U47 fet thru a Trident A-Range Console.

If you place a record on a MAJOR LABEL using the sample(s), you will split the publishing with Mario Luciano fairly & Co-Production credit + fair split on up-front producer fee (where applicable) (CONTACT: Polyphonicmusiclibrary@gmail.com if this is the case). NO sample clearing hassles at all.

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