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Nano Musik Loops Cinematic Strings Vol.11 WAV MiDi

05/04/2024 | WAV MiDi | 784 MB

“Cinematic Strings Vol 11”为您带来 Nano Musik Loops 的下十个大师级构建套件,其中包含令人惊叹的管弦乐弦乐,为您的作品带来宏伟而雄伟的氛围。 这些出色的套件包括鼓、弦乐、喇叭和音垫,让您的曲目栩栩如生。 无论您是创作惊心动魄的电影配乐,还是为您的 Ambient、Pop 或 Trance 曲目添加一些额外的音乐刺激,“电影弦乐”系列都将为您的作品带来精致和情感的优势。

对于需要终极控制的制作人来说,您需要 MIDI 循环,您可以在这里找到它们。 使用提供的 MIDI 文件,您可以将此包中的任何音乐短语分配给您最喜欢的合成器或采样器,并将它们与预渲染循环无缝集成。

本产品中的所有循环都是 100% 免版税的。 因此,一旦您购买了该产品,您就可以在商业版本中使用这些循环,而无需支付任何额外费用。


• 10 个搭建套件
• 123 个单独的循环和样本(鼓、弦乐垫、弦乐独奏、贝司、断奏弦乐、合唱垫)
• 61 个 MIDI 循环(弦乐垫、弦乐独奏、贝司、断奏弦乐、合唱垫)
• 所有节奏均为 130 BPM
• 所有带有密钥标签的文件


‘Cinematic Strings Vol 11’ brings you next ten master-class Construction Kits by Nano Musik Loops, featuring stunning Orchestral strings to give your productions a grand and majestic vibe. These fantastic Kits include drums, strings, horns and voice pads to make your tracks come alive. Whether you’re composing thrilling film scores or adding some extra musical excitement to your Ambient, Pop or Trance track, the ‘Cinematic Strings’ series will deliver a sophisticated and emotive edge to your production.

For producers demanding ultimate control you need MIDI loops and you’ll them find here. Using the supplied MIDI files you can assign any of the musical phrases found in this pack to your favourite synth or sampler and integrate them seamlessly with the pre-rendered loops.

All of the loops in this product are 100% Royalty-Free. So, once you have purchased this product you can use these loops in your commercial releases without having to pay any extra.

Product Details:

• 10 Construction Kits
• 123 Individual Loops & Samples (Drums, String Pads, String Solos, Basses, Staccato Strings, Choir Pads)
• 61 MIDI Loops (String Pads, String Solos, Basses, Staccato Strings, Choir Pads)
• All Tempos are 130 BPM
• All Files Key Labelled

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