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Musicore Euphoria Deep House Sample Pack Logic Pro Edition WAV FXP LOGiC

31 December 2021 | 579 MB

样品包:#1 Deep House 样品包。
Deep House 是一种在过去几年中非常受欢迎的类型。 Meduza、Joel Corry、Raye、Regard、Rudimental 等艺术家已经对该流派给予了商业关注,越来越多的艺术家正在将这种声音改编为他们的曲目。

此示例包包含来自 Deep House 场景的一流声音。这个包是每个想要跟上 Deep House 日益流行的制作人的必备品。此样本包包含创作下一首 2022 年热门歌曲的所有要素。从低沉的 Kicks 到活泼的 Claps 再到充满活力的踩镲,Euphoria 应有尽有!

Hit-Formula 血清预设。
在此示例包中,我们还包括一个包含 140 个血清预设的 Soundbank。这些预设经过精心制作,以适应即将到来的 Deep House 趋势。预设将立即为您提供灵感,并为您节省大量浏览正确声音的时间。深沉的低音、欣快的合成器、温暖的垫子和干净的 Plucks – 您可以在 Euphoria 中找到所有这些。

除了样本和预设,我们还包括 5 个项目文件,以便您可以了解有关 Deep House 的更多信息。我们重新创作了过去一年中最热门的 5 首 Deep House 热门歌曲,它们反映了这一流派的未来。使用这些项目文件,您可以深入制作 Deep House 并创建下一个 Deep House 热门歌曲!

项目文件可用于 FL Studio、Ableton Live 和 Logic Pro。购买样品包时,您可以选择这三个版本中的任何一个。


SAMPLE PACK: #1 Deep House Sample Pack.
Deep House is a genre that has grown immensely in popularity over the past years. Artists such as Meduza, Joel Corry, Raye, Regard, Rudimental and more have given the genre commercial attention and more and more artists are adapting this sound to their Tracks.

This Sample Pack contains Top-Notch Sounds from the Deep House scene. This Pack is a Must-Have for every Producer who wants to keep up with the growing popularity of Deep House. This Sample Pack contains all the ingredients for creating the next 2022 Hit Song. From deep Kicks to snappy Claps to energizing Hi-Hats, Euphoria has it all!

Hit-Formula Serum Presets.
Inside this Sample Pack, we also included a Soundbank that contains 140 Serum Presets. These Presets were crafted with care to fit the upcoming Deep House trend. The Presets will instantly provide you with inspiration and save you a lot of time on browsing for the right sounds. Deep Basses, euphoric Synths, warm Pads and clean Plucks – you can find it all inside Euphoria.

PROJECT FILES: Truly powerful.
In addition to the Samples & Presets, we also included 5 Project Files so you can learn more about Deep House. We recreated 5 of the biggest Deep House hits from the past year that reflect the future of this genre. With these Project Files you can dive deep into producing Deep House and create the next Deep House hit!

The Project Files are available for FL Studio, Ableton Live and Logic Pro. You can choose either one of those three versions when buying the Sample Pack.

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