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Moonbyrd Music Library Cosmic Soul Vol. 2 (Compositions) WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 22 January 2024 | 1.52 GB

Cosmic Soul Volume 2收录了20世纪70年代末至80年代中期的23个采样,捕捉了灵魂音乐的郁郁葱葱和太空般的声音。在风格上,这个包的灵感来自日本科幻动画配乐,流畅的灵魂,爵士放克,英国和法国图书馆音乐和柔滑的80年代中期R&B。像卷1一样,深夜的声音调色板由丰富的乐器选择定义,包括超凡脱俗的女声,弦乐,铜管乐器,木管乐器,罗德电钢琴,电吉他,贝斯,调音打击乐器,鼓和大气复古合成器。





Cosmic Soul Volume 2 features a huge collection of 23 samples that capture the lush and spacey sounds of soul music from the late-1970s to the mid-1980s. Stylistically this pack draws inspiration from Japanese science fiction Anime soundtracks, smooth soul, jazz-funk, British and French library music and silky mid-80s R&B. Like Volume 1, the late-night sonic palette is defined by a rich selection of instrumentation including otherworldly female vocals, strings, brass, woodwinds, Rhodes electric piano, electric guitars, bass, tuned percussion, drums, and atmospheric vintage synths.

Considerable time and care was placed into the sample structure and composition. As a result, the tracks range from 2 minutes to 4 minutes in length and feature multiple sections, specially designed to offer many exciting possibilities for the producer to chop up. Tracks that feature drums come in both drum and no drum forms.

BPM and key is included and the samples are formatted as 24-bit WAV. All sounds are compatible with any DAW or sampler.

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