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Moonboy INFINITE Production Suite Multiformat

2023 年 3 月 22 日 | 11.4GB


官方 MOONBOY 制作套件 – 我创作的最高质量的作品!

我日以继夜地尝试新的声音和技术 – 旨在为 House Music 创建一个全新的声音库,这些声音不仅是最流行的,而且是以前从未做过的声音!


这是 Bass House、Tech House、Melodic House 甚至 Dubstep/Trap 的高质量预设、工具和声音的终极合集!

拥有 INFINITE 不仅可以让您使用工具来制作最疯狂的家庭音乐。 它还将帮助您创新并为您创建的任何流派和风格创造全新的声音!

INFINITE 包含巨大的声音和预设库,它们将立即为您的作品带来新的声音和创新的新想法。

您会发现 2000 多种高品质声音和循环以及令人难以置信的奖励! 从最令人费解的合成器预设到完整的专业歌曲项目文件,甚至是美丽的 Studio Acapellas! 您可以使用 INFINITE 创造无限的东西!

轻松拖放文件以立即制作 INSANE drop – 完全可定制以制作独特的和您自己的!


奖金 1 + 2
价值 200 美元!
Xfer 血清
最强大的合成器插件之一的预设:Xfer Serum。

超过 150 个专业预设触手可及。

通过多年在低音音乐和歌曲创作方面的经验,我创建了一系列带来能量的创新预设! 从卧室到节日舞台。

永恒:丰富线索、技术之家凹槽和垫子的首选资源。 这些合成器将立即为您的旋律和节奏赋予生命力。

Visceral:强大的 Leads 和 Basss 将创造出最重的下落和挂钩,以带出您的最佳想法。

非常适合 House、Dubstep 和 Trap!

兼容 Ableton Live、FL Studio、Logic Pro、所有 DAWS。

奖金 #3
价值 700 美元!
将 Infinite 的力量直接带入您的 DAW!

与 Ableton Live 10-11 和 FL Studio 兼容。
所有 DAWS 均包含 Stems 和视频分解。


学习专业的行业标准歌曲创作和 drop 技巧! – 我创建了项目文件的最终集合。

从 Bass House 歌曲,到 Tech House HITS,再到 Melodic House!


奖金 #5
价值 100 美元!
ACID Tech House 样品包
Tech House 是电子音乐中用途最广泛的流派之一。 虽然本质上是最小的,但复杂性在于节奏、节奏和氛围。

我创作了最吸引人的舞曲律动、种类繁多的鼓乐风格和打击乐元素,以及 FX 和 LEADS,其灵感来自主宰 beatport 和广播排行榜的大量 house 金曲。

ACID Sample Pack 为您提供全方位的声音,让您从头开始创作下一个热门歌曲。

只需拖放,根据自己的喜好进行调整,您就可以在几分钟内制作出专业的 tech house 作品。

通过多年的电子音乐研究,我一直对 Tech House 感到兴奋,所以我很高兴与您分享这个包。

奖金 #6
价值 100 美元!
GROOVE 包含全系列的 Vocal Hooks、Acapellas、One Shorts、Loops 和 Ambience。


在里面,您会发现各种风格,从旋律无伴奏合唱到充满活力的声乐,甚至是 Tech House 的 RnB Hooks!

考虑到 House Music 的录制,它们用途广泛,可以翻转切碎和倾斜以匹配您的风格。



22ND MARCH 2023 | 11.4 GB

The Ultimate Production Suite For House Music Producers

Infinite: Production Suite
Official MOONBOY Production Suite – The highest quality of work I’ve ever created!

I’ve spent day and night experimenting with new sounds & techniques – aiming to create a whole new library of sounds for House Music that are not only just the most popular but also sounds that have NEVER been done before!

With the next wave of House Music in mind, I’ve created the most powerful tools to make massive productions in ALL STYLES!

This is the ultimate collection of High Quality Presets, Tools, & Sounds for Bass House, Tech House, Melodic House & even Dubstep/Trap!

Not only will owning INFINITE give you access to tools to make the most INSANE House Music. It will also help you innovate and create a whole new sound to ANY Genre & Style you create!

INFINITE contains HUGE library of sounds & presets that will instantly bring a NEW sound & innovate new ideas in your productions.

You will find over 2000+ High Quality sounds & loops as well as incredible bonuses! From the most mind-bending Synths Presets to full-length professional song project files, to even beautiful lush Studio Acapellas! There is no limit to what you can create with INFINITE!

Easy drag and drop files to instantly make INSANE drops – fully customizable to make unique and your own!

Learn professional sound design techniques by reverse engineering these presets & project files.

BONUS 1 + 2
$200 Value!
Visceral & Eternal
For Xfer Serum
Presets for one of the most powerful Synthesizer Plugins: Xfer Serum.

Over 150 Professional Presets at your fingertips.

Through years of experience in bass music & songwriting I’ve created a collection of innovative Presets that bring energy! From Bedrooms to Festival Stages.

Eternal: Go-to resource for lush leads, tech house grooves, & pads. These synths will immediately give your melodies & rhythms life.

Visceral: Powerful Leads & Basses that will create the heaviest drops & hooks to bring out the best in your ideas.

Great for House, Dubstep & Trap!

Compatible with Ableton Live, FL Studio, Logic Pro, All DAWS.

$700 Value!
ELEMENTS Project Files
Bringing the Power of Infinite straight to your DAW!

Compatible with Ableton Live 10-11 & FL Studio.
Stems & Video Breakdown included for all DAWS.

The Absolute best way to learn how to build, sound design, & finish amazing songs!

5 Professional made full songs to immediately get ideas
Learn from professional industry standard songwriting & drop techniques! – I have created the ultimate collection of Project FIles.

From Bass House anthems, to Tech House HIts, to Melodic House!

These project files have been also made to be modular, use parts at will for your own productions or build off the vibe & replace elements to create your own music!

$100 Value!
ACID Tech House Sample Pack
Tech House is one of the most versatile genres in electronic music. While minimal in nature, the complexity is in the groove, rhythm & vibe.

I’ve created the catchiest & dance ready grooves, a vast variety of drum styles & percussive elements, as well as FX & LEADS inspired by the massive house hits that dominated beatport and radio charts.

ACID Sample Pack gives you a full range of sounds to create the next hit from scratch.

Simply Drag and drop, adjust to your liking & you will be able to make professional tech house productions in minutes.

Through years of studying electronic music I’ve always been excited about Tech House so I’m thrilled to share with you this pack.

$100 Value!
GROOVE – Dance Vocals
GROOVE contains a full range of Vocal Hooks, Acapellas, One Shorts, Loops & Ambience.

I’ve built a team of vocalists to create high quality dance vocals to enhance music productions & even become the main hook leading a hit song!

Inside you will find styles ranging from Melodic Acapellas to Energetic vocal chops to even RnB Hooks for Tech House!

Recorded with House Music in mind these are incredibly versatile and can be flipped chopped & skewed to match your style.

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