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Moonboy Exodus Production Suite

WAV / FL Studio and Live Project files| 1.37 GB

官方 MOONBOY 制作套件 – 我创建过的最强大的集合。 我花了无数的时间尝试来自世界各地的新声音和技术 – 考虑到下一波重型电子舞曲。

100% 免版税

EXODUS 包含 13 项独家奖励

奖励#1 Eclipse:血清预设
最强大的合成器插件之一的血清预设:Xfer Serum。

超过 100 个专业预设触手可及。 强大的主音、贝斯、打击垫和效果器将为您的旋律和节奏带来活力并赋予您活力

与 Ableton Live、FL Studio、Logic Pro、所有 DAWS 兼容。

奖励#2 Eodus:项目文件和掉落套件
Exodus: Project Files & Drop Kits 是一个面向电子舞曲制作人的制作工具包。


福利 #3 独家 MOONBOY 制作工作室
参加 MOONBOY 为期 4 周的制作研讨会。


这是为那些有兴趣开启艺术家职业生涯的人准备的。 仅 500 名获得 EXODUS 的人可以免费注册此直播课程。
包含 4 个强大的合成器和贝斯合集

Annhilate: Synth Collection Anthem Style Synth 能够吸引听众并为您的歌曲带来能量。


无论您是在制作震撼人心的 Dubstep、Trap、House,甚至是 Techno 音乐。 这些合成器用途极其广泛。

Apocalypse:贝斯系列 震撼人心的贝斯,灵感源自最沉重的 EDM 水滴

Apocalypse 是一款一体化软件包,包含构建下一个重低音曲目所需的一切。

使用这些受 EDM 最流行风格启发的样本快速开始构建回响贝斯歌曲
包含 3 首优质声乐合集

Hype & Fury 人声包包含舞曲流行、说唱、重金属等各种风格的充满活力的人声。


超过 50 首高品质人声
100% 免版税

Ascend: Vocal Loops 是精心制作的独特声乐合集,非常适合为您的曲目增添人情味。 100% 免版税,可在您的商业项目中使用。
Exodus 中包含优质旋律合集

奖金#10 Infinity:空灵和炒作的旋律
Infinity 是一个充满活力的旋律样本包,它拥有超过 100 首独特且充满活力的旋律,经过精心制作,可无缝融入您的曲目,将您的作品提升到一个新的水平。


奖励 #11 高能量风格 MIDI 主线和旋律
HAZARD 是专门为电子舞曲制作人设计的制作工具包。

该包包含各种 High Energy MIDI 文件,包括旋律、主奏进行和低音线,非常适合电子舞曲中的各种子流派,包括 house、dubstep、trance 等。

这些 MIDI 文件被设计为易于定制,允许您调整每个元素以完美地适应您自己的作品。


Official MOONBOY Production Suite – The most powerful collection I’ve ever created. I’ve spent countless hours experimenting with new sounds & techniques from around the world – with the next wave of Heavy Electronic Dance Music in mind.

100% Royalty Free

13 Exclusive Bonuses Included with EXODUS

Bonus #1 Eclipse: Serum Presets
Serum Presets for one of the most powerful Synthesizer Plugins: Xfer Serum.

Over 100 Professional Presets at your fingertips. Powerful Leads, Basses, Pads, and FX that will create energy to your drops & give your melodies & rhythms life

Compatible with Ableton Live, FL Studio, Logic Pro, All DAWS.

Bonus #2 Eodus: Project Files & Drop Kits
Exodus: Project Files & Drop Kits is a production toolkit for electronic dance music producers.

It includes a variety of project files and song kits, each containing everything you need to create your own tracks from scratch.

Bonus #3 Exclusive MOONBOY Production Workshop
Get access to a 4 Week Production Workshop with MOONBOY.

One of the most valuable learning experiences you can have is by learning first hand by a mentor.

This is for those interested in jumpstarting their career as an artist. Enrollment to this live course is only included free to the 500 who get EXODUS.
4 Powerful Synth & Bass Collections included

Annihilate: Synth Collection Anthem Style Synth Leads to captivate listeners & bring energy to your songs.

This pack covers every aspect for high energy sounds inspired by the biggest synths of Electronic Music.

Wether you’re making hard-hitting Dubstep, Trap, House, or even Techno. These Synths are extremely versatile.

Apocalypse: Bass Collection Ground-Shaking Basses inspired by the Heaviest drops of EDM

Apocalypse is an all-in-one package with everything you need to build your next Heavy Bass track.

Quickly start building dubstep bangers with these samples inspired by the biggest styles in EDM
3 Premium Vocal Collections Included

Hype & Fury Vocal Packs Energetic Vocals in all styles from Dance Pop, Rap, Heavy Metal & More.
High-energy professionally recorded vocals, ready to add a HYPE to your productions.

Incredibly diverse, Ranging from Dance Pop, UK Grime to Heavy Metal vocals.

Over 50 High Quality Vocals
100% royalty-free

Ascend: Vocal Loops Memorable Vocal Chops & Loops to add emotion and vibes to your tracks.
Ascend: Vocal Loops is a carefully crafted collection of unique vocal chops, perfect for adding a human touch to your tracks. 100% royalty-free and ready to use in your commercial projects.
Premium Melody Collection Included in Exodus

Bonus #10 Infinity: Ethereal & Hype Melodies
Infinity is an energetic melody sample pack that will take your productions to the next level with over 100 unique and high-energy melodies expertly crafted to fit seamlessly into your tracks.

With Styles ranging from intense energy, to Ethereal Worlds, the amount of music you can make is limitless.

Bonus #11 High Energy Style MIDI Leads & Melodies
HAZARD is a production toolkit designed specifically for electronic dance music producers.

This pack includes a wide variety of High Energy MIDI files, including melodies, lead progressions, and basslines that are perfect for a variety of sub- genres within electronic dance music, including house, dubstep, trance, and more.

These MIDI files are designed to be easily customizable, allowing you to tweak and adjust each element to fit perfectly into your own productions.

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