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ModeAudio Luminous String Texture Samples WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 16 May 2021 | 577 MB

明亮的光线在厚厚的云层中燃烧,使周围的风景闪烁着鲜艳夺目的色彩-引入了我们最新的声音包Luminous-String Texture Samples发出的辐射声!



与我们所有的纹理声音集一样,每个样本都可以根据需要无缝循环,只要您愿意,就可以在制作中建立起密集的分层起伏和声音流。为了达到这个目的,每种声音都以8 bar文件的形式以120 Bpm的速度呈现,以实现最佳可用性。



感受阳光的热量,滋养您的核心-下载Luminous-String Texture Samples并立即进入阳光!

WAV样本(与所有主要的DAW /软件兼容)


Bright rays of light burn through thick clouds, setting the landscape around you aglow with brilliant, dazzling colour – introducing the radiant sound of our latest sound pack release, Luminous – String Texture Samples!

From brooding rumbles in the bass register to scintillating, trembling treble tonalities, this illuminating collection of 180 royalty-free string texture samples brims with the collective power and ageless passion of the orchestral string section.

Created using our signature custom ambient processing setup, the venerable string instrument has been transformed into an expansive, 738MB selection of richly harmonic sound, deep, mesmerising drones that will elevate your music amongst the clouds.

As with all our texture sound sets, each sample can be looped seamlessly for as long as you like, allowing you to build up densely layered ebbs and flows of sound in your productions. Further to this end, each sound is presented as an 8 bar file at 120 Bpm for optimal usability.

All samples also include full key-labelling so that you can quickly find something that will fit perfectly with your existing projects, with most grouped into one of 48 sets of complementary sounds that work harmoniously together straight out of the box.

Whether you’re making Ambient, Downtempo or even House, Techno and beyond, this bumper choice of breathtakingly atmospheric sound will bathe your music in irresistible warmth and sonic light.

Feel the sunbeams heat and nourish you to your core – download Luminous – String Texture Samples and step out into the sunshine today!

WAV Samples (compatible with all major DAWs/software)
180 Acid WAV Loops

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