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IQ Samples Slap House Sessions WAV MIDI

Feb 26th 2022 | WAV MIDI | 1.1 GB

IQ Samples 非常自豪地展示了 2021 年最流行的商业声音的全新系列 – Slap House!
«Slap House Sessions» 样本包的灵感来自当前艺术家的声音,如 Alok、Mike Candys、Vize、Imanbek、MOTi、HVME、Tiesto、Ash Blake、Dimitri Vegas 等等。

期望以 126 BPM 找到 1.17 Gb 的 24 位样本
包括 42 个强大的 Slap Bass Loops、95 个 House Drum Loops(包括 Full、Top、Hat Loops 和 Drum Fills)、70 个 Twisted Fxs、10 个 Horn Loops、46 个朗朗上口的旋律 Loops、98 个 Midi 文件、75 个 Drum Shots、10 个 Reese Loops、 20 个人声无伴奏合唱循环(10 个干式,10 个湿式),20 个人声切割循环。

所有样本均为原创且 100% 免版税,这意味着您可以在自己的曲目中使用它们并在标签上发布它们,用于广告、YouTube、广播等!
查看演示并准备好使用 IQ Samples 深入了解鼓舞人心的 «Slap House Sessions» 示例包!


IQ Samples are very proud to present a brand new collection of the most trending commercial sound of 2021 – Slap House!
The «Slap House Sessions» sample pack is inspired by current sounds of artists like Alok, Mike Candys, Vize, Imanbek, MOTi, HVME, Tiesto, Ash Blake, Dimitri Vegas and many more.

Expect to find 1.17 Gb of 24 bit samples at 126 BPM
including 42 Powerful Slap Bass Loops, 95 House Drum Loops (incl. Full, Top, Hat Loops & Drum Fills), 70 Twisted Fxs, 10 Horn Loops, 46 Catchy Melody Loops, 98 Midi Files, 75 Drum Shots, 10 Reese Loops, 20 Vocal Acapella Loops (10 Dry, 10 Wet), 20 Vocal Cut Loops.

All samples are original and 100% royalty-free, which means you can use them in your own tracks and release them on labels, use for commercials, YouTube, radio, and more!
Check the demo and get ready to dive into the inspiring «Slap House Sessions» sample pack with IQ Samples!

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