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initial Audio Synthwave Heat Up 3 Expansion

2.78 GB Content

Heat Up 3 的 300 个附加预设
3 GB 内容
要使用此扩展,至少需要 Heatup3 版本 3.5.0!

300 个新预设

隆重推出 Synthwave Heat Up 3 扩展包——包含 300 个新预设的强大合集,旨在将您带入 80 年代及以后的霓虹灯笼罩的国度。 不仅受到过去标志性声音的启发,而且受到融合了合成波元素的现代作品的启发,包括 Tory Lanez 和 The Weeknd 等艺术家,对于寻求将怀旧合成波氛围注入他们的曲目的音乐制作人来说,这种扩展是必不可少的。

该扩展包的大小约为 3GB,提供了涵盖各种类别的大量精心制作的预设。 深入探索音色库,包括 808、贝斯、铃铛、铜管、合唱、吉他、琴键、主音、合成器、打击垫等等。 每个预设都经过精心编程,以捕捉合成波流派的精髓,使您能够立即在音乐中唤起复古未来主义的独特音景。

使用 Synthwave Heat Up 3 扩展包体验复古魅力与现代感性的融合。 提升您的音乐作品,捕捉合成波的精髓,创作与过去的灵魂共鸣的曲目,同时拥抱未来的声音可能性。 探索 300 个预设,拥抱 Cyberpunk 皮肤,踏上音乐之旅,带您回到过去,同时推动您前进。作为独家奖励,Synthwave Heat Up 3 扩展包引入了名为 Cyberpunk 的全新皮肤,完美补充 合成波流派的美学和氛围。 让自己沉浸在视觉上令人惊叹的界面中,增强您的创作体验,而预设将您带到一个充满发光的城市天际线和脉动霓虹灯的怀旧世界。


这个简短的视频向您展示了如何向 Heatup3 添加扩展包。 要加载此扩展包,您需要最新版本 3.5.0


300 Additional Presets for Heat Up 3
New Cyberpunk Skin
3 GB Content
minimum Heatup3 version 3.5.0 is needed in order to use this Expansion !


300 New Presets


Introducing the Synthwave Heat Up 3 Expansion Pack – a powerful collection of 300 new presets, designed to transport you to the neon-soaked realms of 80’s retro music and beyond. Inspired by not only the iconic sounds of the past but also the modern productions that incorporate synthwave elements, including artists like Tory Lanez and The Weeknd, this expansion is a must-have for music producers seeking to infuse their tracks with nostalgic synthwave vibes.

With a size of approximately 3GB, this expansion delivers an extensive range of meticulously crafted presets across various categories. Dive deep into the sonic arsenal, featuring 808’s, bass, bells, brass, choirs, guitars, keys, leads, synths, pads, and more. Each preset has been meticulously programmed to capture the essence of the synthwave genre, enabling you to instantly evoke the distinctive soundscapes of retro-futurism in your music.

Experience the fusion of vintage charm and modern sensibilities with the Synthwave Heat Up 3 Expansion Pack. Elevate your music productions, capture the essence of synthwave, and create tracks that resonate with the soul of the past while embracing the sonic possibilities of the future. Explore the 300 presets, embrace the Cyberpunk skin, and embark on a musical journey that takes you back in time while propelling you forward.As an exclusive bonus, the Synthwave Heat Up 3 Expansion Pack introduces a brand new skin named Cyberpunk, which perfectly complements the aesthetics and atmosphere of the synthwave genre. Immerse yourself in a visually stunning interface that enhances your creative experience, while the presets transport you to a nostalgic world filled with glowing city skylines and pulsating neon lights.

How To Import Expansions


This short video shows you how to add expansion packs to Heatup3. In order to load this expansion pack you need the latest version 3.5.0

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