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EQ效果器 – Analog In The Box W735 EQ v1.4 WIN

Analog In The Box W735 EQ v1.4 | 76.6 MB

W735EQ是基于RFZ – Rundfunk- und Fernsehtechnisches Zentralamt (RFZ) /德国邮政设计和制造的非常罕见和难以找到的W735/1均衡器。它的设计也被用于EB800作为单一模块。只有少数建造了下来,并在柏林墙倒塌后幸存下来。




The W735EQ is based on the very rare and hard to find W735/1 equalizer which was designed and manufactured by the RFZ – Rundfunk- und Fernsehtechnisches Zentralamt (RFZ) / Deutsche Post. It’s design was also used in the EB800 as a Mono-Module. Only a few of them ever were built and survived the post berlin-wall-time…

…But we made it immortal and accesable to the afterworld!

We’re happy to own two of these rare and special equalizer and that we have ported them for you as a plug-in. Now you can use it on everything you want! As much as you want! Use it to shape your sound with this unique equalizer! No need for the 1000th emulation of all the other big-name-equalizers. Thanks to the V.V.K.T-Engine from Acustica Audio, together with the best converters money can buy, you are in luck to have a very accurate recreation inside your DAW.

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