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Dropgun Samples Arcando Future Pop WAV XFER RECORDS SERUM-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 13 January 2024 | 614 MB

Dropgun Samples 很荣幸地推出荷兰多才多艺的 Marc Bandecchi 创作的“Arcando Future Pop”。 Arcando 被广泛赞誉为“能够以最高水平创作任何舞曲音乐流派的艺术家”,他凭借着震撼人心的作品和引人入胜的内容创作,一直跻身下一代电子音乐表演的最前沿。

在他之前的三个样本包取得了令人印象深刻的成功(全部在 Splice 上排名前 10 名)之后,他带着制作人和音乐家的另一个重要资源回归。

“Arcando Future Pop”提供了一系列卓越的功能,例如 Serum 预设、鼓、合成器单音、吉他循环和著名歌手 Justin J. Moore 的歌声。

增强您的曲目从未如此轻松和令人满意。 做好准备,这个非凡的样品包一定会让您惊叹不已!

425 个样本,40 个预设


Dropgun Samples are proud to present “Arcando Future Pop” by the Dutch multi-talent Marc Bandecchi. Arcando is widely acclaimed as “the artist capable of producing any dance music genre on a peak level”, and he has been skyrocketing to the forefront of the next-generation electronic music acts with his ear-striking productions and engaging content creation.

After achieving impressive success with his previous three sample packs, which all ranked within the top 10 on Splice, he returns with yet another essential resource for producers and musicians.

“Arcando Future Pop” offers an array of exceptional features such as Serum presets, drums, synth one-shots, guitar loops, and vocals by the renowned vocalist Justin J. Moore.

Enhancing your tracks has never been more effortless and gratifying. Brace yourself, as this remarkable sample pack is bound to leave you awestruck!

425 Samples, 40 Presets

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