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Cymatics Titan Serum Expansion FXP

Cymatics Titan Serum Expansion FXP | 303 Mb

我们为此基本的Titan扩展保存了一些最出色的血清预设。 有了额外的140个低音,主音,弹拨,打击垫等等,您的创作可能性几乎是无限的。 泰坦精华液扩展的神奇之处在于每个补丁都非常有用。

因此,通过将这种扩展添加到您的武器库中,您将获得各种各样的声音。 进行扩展的那一刻,您将立即想将这些最先进的声音分解并实现到音轨中。 我们还包括80个高级波表,用于创建您自己的自定义补丁。 不要错过这个一定要扩展到泰坦的地方!


We saved some of our greatest Serum presets for this essential Titan expansion. With an extra 140 basses, leads, plucks, pads, and more, your creative possibilities will be nearly endless. The amazing part about the Titan Serum Expansion is that every single patch is so usable.

So, by adding in this expansion to your arsenal, you’ll have a huge variety of go-to sounds. The minute you get this expansion, you’ll immediately want to dissect and implement these cutting edge sounds into your tracks. We also included 80 advanced wavetables for creating your own custom patches. Don’t miss out on this must have expansion to Titan!

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