Team DECiBEL | 22 Aug 2023 | 551.7MB
Cycles & Spots 为 Deep Tech(及类似)制作制作了 400 个出色的 Wav 循环。 包含 860 MB 的鼓、合成器、perc 和和弦循环,为您提供全方位的工具包。
如果不生产完整的轨道,您很快就可以为地板填充物奠定坚实的基础。 当然,您也可以仅使用单个或多个循环来开始或为您的作品增添趣味。
一如既往,所有内容均免版税、调性和节奏标记。 鼓分为完整的节拍和单一元素,如底鼓、踩镲和打击乐。
100 个合成器循环提供节奏序列,另外 100 个额外的打击乐循环带来更有趣的节奏结构。
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,如果需要的话,我们添加了和弦循环,以便能够深入 House 音乐。
100 个鼓循环
100 个合成器循环
100 个和弦循环
100 个 Perc 循环
812.9 MB
Cycles & Spots formed 400 superb Wav loops for Deep Tech (and alike) productions. 860 MB of drum, synth, perc and chord loops are included to give you an alround toolkit.
In no time you will be able to set up some solid foundations for floorfillers if not producing complete tracks. Naturally you can also just use single or multiple loops to start or spice up your productions.
As always everything is royalty free, key and tempo-labeled. The drums are devided into full beats and the single elements such as kick, hihat and percussion.
100 synth loops deliver rhythmic sequences and another 100 extra percussion loops bring even more interesting rhythm structure.
Last but not least we’ve added chord loops to be able to get to the deeper side of House music, if wished for.
Pack Contents:
100 Drum Loops
100 Synth Loops
100 Chord Loops
100 Perc Loops
Total Number Of Files:
812.9 MB