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Capsun ProAudio Ocean Ave 2: West Coast Guitars WAV

DRUGGYAUDIOZ | 11 December 2023 | 1.04 GB

《Ocean Ave: West Coast Guitars Vol 2》在前一卷的基础上进行了扩展,将 G-funk 时代的典型声音与现代阳光普照的乐段和放克连复段相结合,这些元素至今仍是西海岸嘻哈音乐的标志性元素。 深情的和弦进行和引人入胜的主线的声音调色板的灵感来自数十年的热门唱片以及对经常采样的放克和灵魂流派的深入了解。

与 Arthouse Acoustics 合作创作,期待完整的歌曲开头、缓慢的节奏、幸福的放克和灵魂吉他、复杂的分层堆栈、微妙的精选节奏以及会说话的哇哇主线。 一如既往,我们更进一步,对录音进行剪辑和重新采样,以创建一系列现代音景、当代吉他旋律和独特的歌曲开头。 所有声音都是 100% 免版税,每个循环都经过精心标记和速度同步。

262 样品


Ocean Ave: West Coast Guitars Vol 2 expands on the previous volume of the quintessential sound of the G-funk era combined with modern sun-drenched licks and funk riffs that have been a signature element of West Coast hip hop to this day. The sonic palette of soulful chord progressions and inviting lead lines were inspired by decades of hit records and a deep knowledge of the funk and soul genres that were often sampled.

Created in collaboration with Arthouse Acoustics, expect full songstarters, slow grooves, blissed-out funk and soul guitars, complex layered stacks, subtle picked rhythms, and talking wah-wah lead lines. As always, we went a step further, chopping and resampling the recordings to create a collection of modern soundscapes, contemporary guitar melodies, and unique songstarters. All the sounds are 100% royalty-free and every loop has been meticulously key-tagged and tempo-synced.

262 Samples

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