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Blind Audio Desolation Drum & Bass WAV-Jeggar

Jeggar | WAV | 410.10 MB



所有循环都以174 BPM和Em键呈现。混合和匹配循环或将它们与您自己的声音结合使用,以创建全新的东西。盲音频为您带来最好的声音-从各种各样的声音来源,包括经典的模拟和数字合成器,现实世界的仪器,和高品质的现场录音。



本网站/网页上对任何品牌的引用,包括对品牌和仪器的引用,仅供描述之用。例如,提供了对乐器品牌的参考来描述样品中使用的乐器和/或乐器的声音。Loopmasters没有(也不声称)与这些品牌有任何关联或认可。这些品牌的商誉由品牌所有者负责。对于样品的内容或描述的准确性,Loopmasters或其供应商不承担任何责任。“RHODES”是Joseph a Brandstetter的注册商标。


•496 MB
•44 Synth循环
•3个Cymbal One-Shots
•20 Synth One-Shots
•26 FX单镜头
•8 Vox One-Shots


Blind Audio invites you to experience Desolation – Drum & Bass – a collection of all-powerful loops and one-shot samples designed to infuse your productions with a touch of intricate darkness and roaring aggression. Explore the depths of Desolation and discover a trove of sonic ammunition, ready and waiting to be unleashed on your latest projects.

Loaded with an assortment of formidable basslines, ripping synths and twisted rhythms, as well as a useful array of one-shots that will give your tracks the energy and attitude they need to dominate the DnB scene. Everything you need to create complex and dynamic tracks that will keep the crowd moving is right here – whether you’re making neurofunk, jump-up, or just about anything else, Desolation is guaranteed to inspire.

All loops are rendered at 174 BPM and in the key of Em. Mix and match loops or use them in combination with your own sounds to create something brand new. Blind Audio brings you only the best sounds available – pulling from a varied collection of sound sources including classic analogue and digital synths, real-world instruments, and high-quality field recordings.

We recognise the importance of continuity when it comes to sound libraries and sample packs, that’s why each pack keeps to a consistent key and tempo throughout. We want to make sure that all sounds work well with each other. You won’t need to pitch or stretch them to make them fit. Likewise, all one-shot samples that have a detectable pitch are recorded at the note C for ease of use.

Take your productions to the next level with the raw power of Desolation – Drum & Bass. Don’t sleep on this one, grab it now and start making some truly devastating beats today! Check out the demo to hear more.

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. “RHODES” is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.

Product Details:

• 496 MB
• 128 Total Loops
• 111 Total One-Shots
• 26 Drum Loops
• 15 Top Loops
• 9 Percussion Loops
• 38 Bass Loops
• 44 Synth Loops
• 6 Vox Loops
• 10 Kick One-Shots
• 7 Snare One-Shots
• 10 Hat One-Shots
• 17 Percussion One-Shots
• 3 Cymbal One-Shots
• 10 Bass One-Shots
• 20 Synth One-Shots
• 26 FX One-Shots
• 8 Vox One-Shots


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