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Black Octopus Sound Hyperbits Vocal Toolkit WAV-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 17 Jan 2023 | 1002.7MB



“唱功会点燃你的灵感,激发你的创造力,让你的下一个想法在几分钟内涌现出来。精心组织在100、120和150 BPM之间。声音引导将重新定义你所能创造的旋律引导。让人联想到当前的生产标准,但未来的质量和生产,这些声音领导将转头和加强你的作品。声音效果会让诡异的感觉肆意蔓延。我们说的是50个总效果,像声音上升,扭曲,翻边,颤音,令人毛骨悚然的音高变化,呼吸,呼气,逆转,下举,美丽的调性扭曲等等,等等。小心进去,胆小的人不适合。这些声音的气氛是调谐和准备下降到您的生产权利。每一个都有不同的纹理,音色和一般的氛围,这些氛围会使你的作品结晶,并增加深度和光泽。


* Hyperbits要求您不要在您的音乐、曲目名称、标题或艺术家名称的品牌中使用他们的名字。


560 x总样本
115 x干燥的声带
115 x湿声带
115 X Dry Vocal领唱
115 X Wet Vocal领唱
100 x一个镜头
50 x声音氛围
50 x声音效果


Explore the depths of vocal production and sampling with over 550 total samples in ‘Hyperbits Ultimate Vocal Toolkit’

Meticulously organized and broken down across four sections: Vocal Effects, Vocal Atmospheres, Vocal Chops & Vocal Leads (Wet & Dry). This pack is perfect addition to get your tracks competing with the top industry production. Nothing can beat the organic sounds of vocals at grabbing your listeners attention, and this pack has everything you need to do exactly that!

“The vocal chops will ignite your inspiration, fuel your creativity and get your next idea flowing in a matter of minutes. Meticulously organized across 100, 120, and 150 BPM. The vocal leads will redefine what you are able to create as melodic leads. Reminiscent of current production standards, yet futuristic in quality and production, these vocal leads will turn heads and amp up your productions. The vocal effects will help let the weirdness run rampant and wild. We’re talking 50 total effects, like vocal risers, distortions, flangers, tremolos, creepy pitch changes, breaths, exhales, reverses, downlifters, beautiful tonality warps and so, so much more. Enter cautiously, these are not for the faint of heart. These vocal atmospheres are tuned and ready to drop right into your productions. Each with a different texture, timbre and general ambiance, these atmospheres will crystalize your production and add depth and shine.

Holy sh*t. This pack is an absolute beast!” – Hyperbits

* Hyperbits requests that you not use their name in the branding of your music, track credits, title, or artist names.

**Drums and melodic content in demo are not included in the pack. This is a vocal and vocal effects pack only.

560 x total samples
460 x loops
115 x Dry Vocal chops
115 x Wet Vocal chops
115 X Dry Vocal leads
115 X Wet Vocal leads
100 x One Shots
50 x Vocal atmospheres
50 x Vocal effects

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