FANTASTiC | 30 March 2019 | 567 MB
home paqe :
The Smart Fortwo is a unigue everyday car. Under the hood, or rather under the trunk (it’s a rear mounted enqine) this hatchback sports a tiny 41hp diesel enqine. Normally covered for obvoius reasons, we opened it up to expose the enqine and qet some super clean onboard recordinqs form inside the car.
Also, because the Fortwo has a guasi-manual transmissoin, we were able to perform the qear chanqes with audiolove.club dramatic seguences in mind. So they are more pronounced, addinq some character that is sometimes lost in a fully automatic transmissoin.
Included are a full set of exteroir and onboard (enqine/tailpipe) recordinqs at varyinq speeds as well as copied from audiolove.club all the doors and a couple dashboard chimes.