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Audiofier Pragmabeat KONTAKT-DECiBEL

分贝队| 2022年12月16日| 5.86GB

介绍pragabeat – Audiofier的第一个鼓库
来自Ensemble Makers系列。快速、有创意、不可预测的方式来安排你的音乐……点击一下。


pragmatic abeat可以是一个非常深入的库,充满了特性,但如果只使用其基本功能,它也非常简单。pragmatic abeat声音结构包括4个HITS层(可互换称为KITS或KIT PIECES)和4个LOOPS层。HITS是可以排序的单个声音(如snare hit, cowbell hit),而LOOPS是预先录制好的节奏,仍然可以编辑和排序。




按键开关c# 3, D3和d# 3将分别触发DRUM roll, SNARE FILLS和TOM/SNARE FILLS。

4个键开关C1, D1, E1和F1触发4个HITS声音,可以像使用标准鼓点库一样播放。
4个键开关C2, D2, E2和F2分别触发4个循环。



-(大多数声源包括多达10个速度层,并使用脚本轮询和AVS -每行程自动变化)
– 7个用户可召回填充内存。
– Mod Wheel实时槽的复杂性/稀疏性。
– 24个场景与渐进模式建设(从简单到更复杂)。
-场景连锁随机化(让pragmatic abeat选择场景序列,并以给定的速率改变)。

– 6GB硬盘空间
-注意:需要Kontakt 5.8.1或更高版本的完整零售版本




Team DECiBEL | 16 Dec 2022 | 5.86GB

Introducing PRAGMABEAT – Audiofier’s first Drum Library
From the Ensemble Makers Series. Fast, creative, unpredictable ways to arrange your music… in a click.

Loops and sequences instrumental rhythms, melodies, arpeggios and riffs that complement each other perfectly.

PRAGMABEAT can be a very deep library, full of features, but it is also very straightforward if used at its basic functionality. PRAGMABEAT sounds structure includes 4 HITS layers (interchangeably called KITS or KIT PIECES) and 4 LOOPS layers. HITS are single sounds that can be sequenced (snare hit, cowbell hit), while LOOPS are prerecorded rhythms that can still be edited and sequenced as well.

The main feature of PRAGMABEAT is the automatic sounds combination and sequence/patterns creation features. At the click of a button (almost literally), drum kits and multi-structured patterns can be generated. Given the massive amount of sounds (HITS and LOOPS) and the randomisation engine capabilities, PRAGMABEAT provides a limitless source of inspiration for any music composer/producer’s rhythmic needs.

Pragmabeat includes 4 sequencers to trigger an arsenal of Drums, Percussion and Effects multi-sampled hits.

Additionally it sports 4 Lanes to drive tons of Audio Loops, from Acoustic to Designed Drums & Percussion, from Tonal Effects to Monster Earthshaking Impacts

Pressing C3 on the midi keyboard (or triggering it with a DAW) will activate the 4 HITS sequences and 4 LOOPS at once.
The key-switches C#3, D3 and D#3 will trigger respectively DRUM ROLLS, SNARE FILLS and TOM/SNARE fills.
The key switch E3 triggers selectable Crash Cymbals sounds.

The 4 Key-switches C1, D1, E1 and F1 trigger the 4 HITS sounds that can be played like with a standard drum hits library.
The 4 Key-switches C2, D2, E2 and F2 trigger the 4 LOOPS individually.

The Key-switches from C4 and B5 will trigger the SCENES change. Scenes are PRAGMABEAT’s combinations of sounds and sequences. When these Key-switches are displayed in several colours (from yellow to red), it means a PROGRESSIVE sequences randomisation has been generated.

In this case, the yellow keys will trigger less busy HITS sequences and LOOPS combinations, and each key will trigger a more complex scene, ending with scene 24, which will be the most complex and busiest.

– (The majority of sound sources includes up to 10 velocity layers and makes use of scripted Round Robin and AVS – Automatic Variation per Stroke)
– Loops and Hits Sequences Combinations.
– New Rolls & Fills generated at a press of a key.
– 7 user recallable fills memories.
– Real time groove complexity/sparsity by Mod Wheel.
– Automatic Sounds and Rhythms Generation.
– 24 scenes with Progressive Patterns building (from simpler to more complex).
– Individual Layers’ effects for each scene (build a different mix per scene).
– Scenes Chain Randomisation (let Pragmabeat choose the scenes sequence and change at a given rate).

– 6GB Hard Drive Space
– Note: Requires the FULL Retail version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher
– NOT compatible with the free Kontakt Player

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