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Apple Logic Pro X v11.0.0 MacOS

Team: TNT | May 2024 | 1.3 GB

Logic Pro X 是 Logic 有史以来最先进的版本。 用于专业歌曲创作、编辑和混音的复杂工具围绕现代化的界面构建,旨在快速获得创意结果,并在需要时提供更多功能。

• 整合和控制多个轨道或使用 Track Stack 创建丰富的分层乐器
• 智能控制允许您通过一次操作操作多个插件和参数
• MacBook Pro 上对 Touch Bar 的支持为创建、编辑和导航歌曲提供了方便的控制
• 自动保存让您的工作安全无忧

• 使用一套全面的编辑器和工具记录和编辑 MIDI 或音频
• 使用片段文件夹保持片段井井有条,并通过快速滑动伴奏快速构建伴奏
• 轨道替代选项可让您在轨道上的片段和编辑的不同播放列表之间创建和切换
• 使用基于选择的处理将效果插件的任意组合渲染到音频选择
• 使用 Flex Pitch 修复走调的人声并更改录制音频的旋律
• 使用 Flex Time 轻松控制任何录音的时间和节奏
• 全面的混音和插件参数自动化可以成为片段或轨道的一部分
• 使用 iPad 或 iPhone 上的 Logic Remote 在房间的任何地方创建和混合音乐
• 使用内置乐谱编辑器制作简单的主奏乐谱或管弦乐乐谱

• 使用虚拟会话播放器和节拍制作人 Drummer 创建真实的原声、电子或嘻哈鼓音轨
• 从 28 名不同的鼓手中进行选择,他们可以按照您的方向演奏数百万种独特的节奏
• 使用 Drum Kit Designer 使用一系列深度采样的鼓构建您自己的原声鼓组
• 使用 Drum Machine Designer 自定义电子节拍的声音

• 从提供模拟、波表、FM、加法、颗粒、频谱和建模合成的合成器集合中获取灵感
• 使用终极样本处理合成器 Alchemy 快速查找声音或创建独特的新声音
• 使用 EXS24 采样器演奏或创建各种丰富的采样乐器
• 使用琶音器立即将简单的和弦变成丰富的演奏
• 使用九个 MIDI 插件将简单的想法转化为复杂的表演
• 忠实地演奏经典风琴、键盘和老式合成器的模型

• 通过 Amp Designer 使用复古和现代的放大器、音箱和麦克风构建您自己的吉他或贝斯装备
• 从延迟、失真和调制单块效果器的集合中设计自定义踏板
• 只需点击一下即可访问调音器以快速调音
• 使用 Space Designer 卷积混响在真实的声学空间中播放声音
• 使用一系列多抽头、老式磁带和立体声延迟
• 使用各种调制效果为您的曲目添加动感

• 超过 2800 个乐器和效果 Patch
• 1000 种精心采样的乐器
• 超过 7000 个不同类型的 Apple Loops

• 使用第三方音频单元兼容插件扩展您的乐器和效果库
• 共享到 GarageBand 选项允许您通过 iCloud 从 iPhone 或 iPad 远程添加新曲目到您的 Logic 项目
• 导入和导出 XML 以支持 Final Cut Pro X 工作流程
• 将您的歌曲直接导出并分享到 SoundCloud
• 从 Logic 5 或更高版本打开项目

兼容性:macOS 13.5 或更高版本


Logic Pro X is the most advanced version of Logic ever. Sophisticated tools for professional songwriting, editing, and mixing are built around a modern interface that’s designed to get creative results quickly and also deliver more power whenever it’s needed.

Powerful Interface
• Consolidate and control multiple tracks or create rich, layered instruments with Track Stacks
• Smart Controls allow you to manipulate multiple plug-ins and parameters with a single move
• Support for the Touch Bar on MacBook Pro provides convenient controls for creating, editing and navigating your songs
• Autosave keeps your work safe and sound

Professional Music Production
• Record and edit MIDI or audio using a comprehensive set of editors and tools
• Keep takes organized with take folders and build comps quickly with Quick Swipe Comping
• Track Alternatives let you create and switch between different playlists of regions and edits on a track
• Render any combination of effect plug-ins to a selection of audio using Selection-based Processing
• Fix out-of-tune vocals and change the melodies of recorded audio with Flex Pitch
• Manipulate the timing and tempo of any recording with ease using Flex Time
• Comprehensive mix and plug-in parameter automation can be part of a region or track
• Create and mix music from anywhere in the room using Logic Remote on iPad or iPhone
• Produce simple lead sheets or orchestral scores with built-in Score editor

Drum Production
• Create authentic acoustic, electronic, or hip hop drum tracks using Drummer, a virtual session player and beat producer
• Choose among 28 distinct drummers that can take your direction and perform millions of unique grooves
• Build your own acoustic drum kits with Drum Kit Designer using a collection of deeply sampled drums
• Customize the sound of your electronic beats using Drum Machine Designer

Keyboards and Synths
• Get inspired by collection of synths that provide analog, wavetable, FM, additive, granular, spectral, and modeling synthesis
• Quickly find sounds or create unique new ones with Alchemy, the ultimate sample manipulation synthesizer
• Play or create a wide variety of rich sampled instruments with the EXS24 Sampler
• Instantly turn a simple chord into a rich performance with the Arpeggiator
• Transform simple ideas into elaborate performances using nine MIDI plug-ins
• Play faithful models of classic organs, keyboards, and vintage synths

Guitar and Bass Gear
• Build your own guitar or bass rig with Amp Designer using vintage and modern amps, cabinets, and mics
• Design a custom Pedalboard from a collection of delay, distortion, and modulation stompboxes
• Access the Tuner with just a click to quickly get in tune
Creative and Production Effects
• Play your sounds through realistic acoustic spaces using Space Designer convolution reverb
• Use a range of multi-tap, vintage tape, and stereo delays
• Add movement to your tracks with a variety of modulation effects

Sound Library
• Over 2800 instrument and effect Patches
• 1000 meticulously sampled instruments
• More than 7000 Apple Loops in wide range of genres

• Expand your instrument and effects library with third-party Audio Units-compatible plug-ins
• Share to GarageBand option allows you to remotely add new tracks to your Logic project from your iPhone or iPad via iCloud
• Import and export XML to support Final Cut Pro X workflows
• Export and share your songs directly to SoundCloud
• Open projects from Logic 5 or later

Compatibility: macOS 13.5 or later

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