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789TEN Classic Bigroom V.1 by R3SPAWN MULTiFORMAT-DEUCES

DEUCES | 8 February 2022 | 993 MB

进入工作室并学习易于遵循的步骤来制作经典的 Big Room House。包括大师班、样本、预设、项目文件和奖金备忘单。

随着由舞曲全明星掌舵的唱片公司发行,R3SPAWN 不断通过诸如 Hardwell 的 Revealed Recordings、Showtek 的 Skink Records、Nicky Romero 的 Protocol Recordings 等途径推出具有独特品质的唱片,最近作为 Dada Life 的新品牌的首批签约者之一崩溃和微笑记录。

R3SPAWN 声音背后的舞蹈音乐大师们倾注了他们的力量,现在他正在与世界分享这种声音。您将如何使用这些工具来升级您的作品?

TutorialAll 杀手,没有填充物。 R3SPAWN 开始做生意,向您展示获得经典 Big Room 声音的尝试和真正的方法。当您的声音触手可及时,您可以轻松快速地工作和即时做出决定。使用这个制作人包,他从头开始创作一首适合音乐节的歌曲,教您以下主题:

• 如何有效地分层声音而不添加混音
• EQ 侧链来控制竞争频率
• 通过音调自动化增加潜在客户的兴奋度
• 压缩
• 增加堆积的厚度和张力
• 指导哪些声音在曲目的每个部分中效果最佳
• 还有更多!


样本这些是 R3SPAWNS 个人样本,在他与 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike、Timmy Trumpet、Bassjackers 等人的曲目中使用。

这个包最特别的组成部分之一是各种各样的填充物。通常很难找到一些东西来推动你的 drop 和 build 前进的势头。 R3SPAWN 通过特别注意提供您一直缺少的 X FACTOR 来解决这个问题,以充分利用这些时刻。

预设没有比“一站式购物”更好的词来形容这个 Big Room 包了。利用 60 多个 Spire 预设,让您摆脱崩溃、建立、放弃。

项目 FileDaw:FL Studio

从教程中获取 FL 项目文件,并跟随 R3SPAWN 一起学习,因为他会教您详细且易于遵循的生产技术。

奖励“我为你们制作了一张特殊的表格,您可以在其中看到您必须进行 EQ 的所有频率”



NimbleKick、Endless Smile、Invisible_Limiter、The Glue、FabFilter Saturn、ValhallaRoom、Kickstart、Shaperbox2、CamelCrusher。


Get in the studio and learn easy-to-follow steps to make classic Big Room House. Masterclass, samples, presets, project file, and bonus cheat sheet included.

With releases on labels helmed by dance music all stars, R3SPAWN consistently pumps out records of unique quality via avenues such as Hardwell’s Revealed Recordings, Showtek’s Skink Records, Nicky Romero’s Protocol Recordings, and more recently as one of Dada Life’s first signees to their new imprint Crash And Smile Records.

The dons of dance music have thrown their weight behind the R3SPAWN sound, and now he is sharing that sound with the world. How will you use these tools to upgrade your productions?

TutorialAll killer, no filler. R3SPAWN gets down to business and shows you tried and true methods for getting the classic Big Room sound. Working fast and making decisions on the fly is easy when you’ve got the sounds you need at your fingertips. Using this producer pack he creates a festival ready song from scratch, teaching you topics such as:

• How to layer sounds effectively without adding muddying the mix
• EQ sidechain to control competing frequencies
• Adding excitement to leads with pitch automation
• Compression
• Adding thickness and tension to the build up
• Guide for which sounds work best in each part of the track
• Plus much more!

Follow along with the provided cheat sheet, samples, and presets, and become a Big Room killer.

SamplesThese are R3SPAWNS personal samples, as used in his tracks with Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Timmy Trumpet, Bassjackers, and more.

One of the most special components of this pack is the wide array of fills. Oftentimes it’s hard to find something to push the momentum forward in your drops and builds. R3SPAWN took care of that by taking special care to provide the X FACTOR you’ve been missing to squeeze the most out of those moments.

PresetsNo better words to describe this Big Room pack than “One Stop Shopping.” Take advantage of 60+ Spire presets to get you from breakdown, to build up, to drop.

Project FileDaw: FL Studio

Get the FL project file from the tutorial, and follow along with R3SPAWN as he teaches you detailed and easy-to-follow production techniques.

Bonus“I’ve made a special sheet for you guys where you can see all the frequencies you have to EQ”


Compatible with the tools you use most
Below are the main tools used in this pack.

Plugins / Software
NimbleKick, Endless Smile, Invisible_Limiter, The Glue, FabFilter Saturn, ValhallaRoom, Kickstart, Shaperbox2, CamelCrusher.


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