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鼓皇爵士扩展 – FXpansion BFD Jazz Noir Expansion Packs WIN

Team V.R版  WIN版  FXpansion BFD Jazz Noir Expansion Packs 18.2 GB

BFD爵士黑色扩展包捕获罕见的,古董Camco ‘ Oaklawn ‘鼓套件为BFD3。适合所有类型的爵士乐,放克和新灵魂,卡姆科鼓是玩家和收藏家的追求,因为他们的清晰的音调和温暖的持续。这个工具调成中高调,用小棍和画笔录音。该系列包括一套伊斯坦布尔钹-包括一个美丽的24英寸骑-加上一个20世纪30年代的圆形徽章Gretsch小军鼓,提供了一个低脂肪的替代Camco kit小军鼓。

我们的工程师使用了高质量的麦克风阵列,以捕获直接和环境信号的BFD爵士黑色。踢腿鼓被压湿并完全打开,鼓内装有一辆Oktava MK220,头外装有Neumann TLM 103。陷阱都是记录与电线开关使用Avantone CK-1顶部和Røde NT5电容麦克风。


一套伊斯坦布尔钹使用一对AKG C451Bs作为日常费用。环境麦克风包括一对黄金时代项目R1(房间),一个AEA R84带麦克风(单声道房间),以及一个特殊的垃圾混合频道,以增加一些饱和你的鼓声轨道。




•原版Camco kit snare和一个古董Gretsch snare drum






•BFD3 V.或以上


The BFD Jazz Noir expansion pack captures a rare, vintage Camco ‘Oaklawn’ drum kit for BFD3. Perfect for all genres of jazz, funk and neo-soul, Camco drums are sought after by players and collectors alike for their clarity of tone and warm sustain. This kit was tuned medium-high and recorded with sticks and brushes. The collection comes with a set of Istanbul cymbals – including a beautiful 24″ ride – plus a 1930s Round Badge Gretsch snare drum, offering a low and fat alternative to the Camco kit snare.

Our engineers used an array of high-quality microphones to capture direct and ambient signals for BFD Jazz Noir. The kick drum was recorded dampened and fully open, with an Oktava MK220 inside the drum and Neumann TLM 103 outside the head. Both snares were recorded with wires on and off using an Avantone CK-1 on top and a Røde NT5 condenser mic underneath.

SE Electronics 3 microphones were used on the toms, picking up the snare wires for a natural kit sound – or with the option of no wires for a cleaner timbre. This expansion also introduces a new articulation popular in jazz playing – the stickshot.

A set of Istanbul cymbals were recorded using a pair of AKG C451Bs as overheads. Ambient mics include a pair of Golden Age Project R1 (room), an AEA R84 ribbon mic (mono room), as well as a special trash mix channel to add some saturation to your drum-tracks.


•An immensely detailed 1962 Camco drum kit played with sticks and brushes

•A 20” kick drum captured in four different ways (inc. with damping)

•The original Camco kit snare and a vintage Gretsch snare drum

•A set of Istanbul cymbals

•Fully dynamic kit ready for processing

•5 kit presets to inspire your creativity

•Perfect for all jazz styles

System Requirements

•BFD3 V. or above

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