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风琴音源 – Acousticsamples B-5 Organ V3 for UVI Falcon

11.2021 | 815 MB

基于真实的音轮样本并完全建模:从音轮拾音器和 AO-28 放大器到电阻线,再到拉杆和键触点……一切都在不同型号上经过仔细测量并调整以匹配真实风琴。


哈蒙德器官是复杂的野兽,充满了电线和机械零件。到目前为止,最好的演绎(没有真正的风琴)是使用纯合成制作的,主要是因为风琴使用一组 91 个频率工作,这些频率通过每个键下的接触器连接,其音量由拉杆控制。基于样本的库同时包含堆叠拉杆样本。这有效,但会导致一个主要问题:有时您演奏相同的频率两次,并且由于相位抵消,当您按下相同的键时,您永远不会得到相同的声音两次。我们找到了一种使用 91 频率合成方法的方法,但使用真实样本,让您享受两全其美:真实记录的风琴音色加上真实的机械行为,但具有拉杆控制功能和合成可调整性的额外好处.


此版本需要 R2R Falcon


Based on real tonewheel samples and fully modeled: from the tonewheel pickups and the AO-28 amp to the resistive wires, to the drawbars and key contacts… Everything has been carefully measured on different models and adjusted to match real organs.
The true sound of an organ with the flexibility of synthesis.

A Hybrid Approach

Hammond organs are complex beasts, full of wires and mechanical parts. Until now, the best renditions (short of a real organ) were made using pure synthesis, mainly because the organ works using a set of 91 frequencies that are connected via contactors under each key and whose volume is controlled by the drawbars. Sample based libraries consist of stacking drawbar samples at the same time. This works, but causes a major problem: sometimes you play the same frequency twice and because of phase cancellation, you never get the same sound twice when you press the same keys. We have found a way using the 91 frequencies synthesis approach, but with real samples, which allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds: a real recorded organ tone plus the real mechanical behavior but with the added benefits of functioning drawbar controls and synthesis tweakability.

This release requires R2R Falcon

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