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过载失真效果器 – Unfiltered Audio Indent 2 v2.2.0 macOSX

Unfiltered Audio Indent 2 v2.2.0 macOS-SPTNDC| 49.7 MB

厌倦了使用相同的旧踏板失真插件?想要更多空间进行实验?是时候从未过滤的音频中了解缩进 2。只需进行一些调整,您就可以使用这个方便的失真工具包在几秒钟内调入正确的声音。但不要被它的简单性所迷惑;在这个小包内是一个高度通用的波形整形工具,具有不少于十种独特的剪裁算法。这就像在一个包中拥有一整个失真插件库。

虽然 Indent 2 很适合您的吉他曲目,但它不仅仅是一个过载踏板。您几乎可以将它放在任何轨道或​​组上,以添加一点微妙的味道,或者用令人愉悦的泛音来压倒您的感官。包含如此一系列不同的剪辑样式,它可以成为您最后润色、实验效果等的首选插件。

Indent 2 的信号路径由一个可定制的多模式滤波器组成,夹在两个不同的削波级之间,两者都提供十种不同的用户可选失真模式:硬削波、软削波、波形折叠、过度折叠、粗重折叠、失真、管、带、Gloubi 和三次方。在插件的内部信号路径中包含一个滤波器可显着扩展其多功能性,因此它很容易适应各种波形整形任务。在第一个削波阶段后添加一个调制的谐振高通滤波器,在合成贝司轨道上获得老派的技术声音,然后将第二个削波阶段设置为“Wavefold”以平滑信号并添加一些谐波被过滤器截断了。

通过一些实验,您会发现 Indent 2 可以为任何流派注入几乎无穷无尽的音调和情感。使用“Wavefold”剪辑风格提高增益是为人声轨道添加激进的朋克摇滚音色的好方法,但回拨增益并将风格设置为“Tube”,现在您的人声轨道有一个关闭-up,亲密的感觉,非常适合一首民谣。无法让您的合成贝司在混音中切入?尝试将“Soft Clip”与共振高通一起使用,然后您就可以开展业务了。你会惊讶于正确的失真可以为你的混音做多少。

这是最好的部分:可以使用Unfiltered Audio独特而直观的调制系统来调制Indent 2的几乎所有参数。只需使用虚拟跳线分配参数,然后从八种不同的调制器中进行选择,包括低频振荡器、随机发生器,甚至是用户可编程的步进音序器。经典的速度同步颤音和哇音效果只是开始。使用包络跟随器调制鼓的输入增益,使击打声爆炸并缩小麦克风泄漏——或者将击打声降低到瞬间尖峰。将滤波器模式设置为 Band Reject 并使用速度同步的 Sine LFO 调制频率,以在吉他轨道上获得 Leslie 效果;然后将步进音序器应用到正弦,使 Leslie 以切分节奏脉动。没错——您可以将调制器应用于其他调制器!

仍然没有足够的控制权吗?查看 Unfiltered Audio 调制部分的最新成员之一:ROLI Lightpad 调制器。由于 Unfiltered 与 ROLI 最新控制器的无缝集成,您可以使用简单的手势控制实时调整 Indent 2 的参数。使用 Lightpad 独特的 3D 界面,您可以轻松调制多个参数,甚至调制其他调制器。将 X 轴和 Y 轴应用于滤波器的截止和共振参数以在 Lightpad 的表面“绘制”滤波器包络,并使用手指压力来控制共振。非常适合组装高度便携的现场设置。

使用 Indent 2,转动几个旋钮就可以创造出令人兴奋的新声音,让您的作品听起来清新现代。这是一个充满音调的小包装。

不需要 PA 许可证或 KeyGen。

Getting tired of using the same old pedal distortion plugins? Want some more room to experiment? It’s time to get to know Indent 2, from Unfiltered Audio. With just a few adjustments, you can use this handy distortion toolkit to dial in just the right sound in seconds. But don’t be fooled by its simplicity; inside this small package is a highly versatile wave-shaping tool with no less than ten unique clipping algorithms. It’s like having a whole library of distortion plugins in one package.

While Indent 2 will be right at home on your guitar tracks, it is much more than an overdrive pedal. You can drop it on just about any track or group to add a dash of subtle flavor, or to overwhelm your senses with a blast of delectable harmonics. Packed with such a range of different clipping styles, it can be your go-to plugin for finishing touches, experimental effects, and more.

Indent 2’s signal path consists of a customizable multi-mode filter, sandwiched between two different clipping stages, both of which offer ten different user-selectable distortion modes: Hard Clip, Soft Clip, Wavefold, Overfold, Harsh Fold, Distortion, Tube, Tape, Gloubi, and Cubic. Including a filter in the plugin’s internal signal path dramatically expands its versatility, so it’s easily adaptable to a broad range of wave-shaping tasks. Add a modulated, resonant high-pass filter after the first clipping stage to get an old school techno sound on a synth bass track, then set the second clipping stage to “Wavefold” to smooth out the signal and add back some of the harmonics that were cut off by the filter.

With a little experimenting, you’ll find that Indent 2 can imbue a nearly endless range of tones and emotions for any genre. Cranking up the gain with a “Wavefold” clipping style can be a great way to add an aggressive, punk rock tone to a vocal track, but dial back the gain and set the style to “Tube” and now your vocal tracks have a close-up, intimate feel that’s perfect for a ballad. Having trouble getting your synth bass to cut through in the mix? Try using “Soft Clip” along with a resonant high pass, and you’re in business. You’ll be amazed at how much the right kind of distortion can do for your mix.

And here’s the best part: Almost all of Indent 2’s parameters can be modulated with Unfiltered Audio’s unique and intuitive modulation system. Just assign a parameter by using a virtual patch cable, and then select from among eight different modulators, including LFOs, a randomizer, and even a user-programmable step sequencer. Classic tempo-synced tremolo and wah wah effects are just the beginning. Modulate a drum’s input gain with an envelope follower to make stick hits explode and mic bleed shrink—or whittle the hits down to split-second spikes. Set the filter mode to Band Reject and modulate the frequency with a tempo-synced Sine LFO to get a Leslie effect on a guitar track; then apply the Step Sequencer to the Sine so that the Leslie pulsates with syncopated rhythms. That’s right – you can apply modulators to other modulators!

Still not enough control for you? Check out one of Unfiltered Audio’s newest additions to their modulation section: The ROLI Lightpad modulator. Thanks to Unfiltered’s seamless integration with ROLI’s newest controller, you can use simple gestural controls to modulate Indent 2’s parameters in real time. Using the Lightpad’s unique three-dimensional interface, you can easily modulate multiple parameters, or even modulate other modulators. Apply the X and Y axes to the filter’s Cutoff and Resonance parameters to “draw” filter envelopes on the Lightpad’s surface, and use your finger pressure to control the resonance. Perfect for assembling a highly portable live setup.

With Indent 2, the twist of a few knobs can create new and exciting sounds that keep your productions sounding fresh and contemporary. This is one small package that’s overflowing with tone.

Doesn’t require a PA license or KeyGen.

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