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罗兰合成器 – Roland ZENOLOGY Pro v1.61 CE-V.R WIN

Team V.R | 02 April 2021 | 1.25 GB

利用ZEN-Core合成系统的强大功能,并借助ZENOLOGY Pro深入了解定制声音设计的世界。您将获得ZENOLOGY惊人的音质和效率,再加上扩展的界面,可以制作出全新的声音来激发您的音乐。

ZEN-Core综合系统具有一系列详细参数,可通过动画动作产生大而复杂的声音。凭借其清晰,可调整大小的界面和多个编辑视图,ZENOLOGY Pro提供了对ZEN-Core各个方面的完全访问权限,可让您创建只有您想象的声音。




Harness the vast power of the ZEN-Core Synthesis System and dive deep into the world of custom sound design with ZENOLOGY Pro. You get the amazing sound quality and efficiency of ZENOLOGY, plus an expansive interface to craft all-new sounds that inspire your music.

The ZEN-Core Synthesis System features an array of detailed parameters to develop big, complex sounds with animated movement. With its clear, resizable interface and multiple edit views, ZENOLOGY Pro provides full access to every aspect of ZEN-Core, letting you create sounds you’ve only imagined.

ZEN-Core is ultra-flexible and based on discrete synth voices called partials—each containing an oscillator, filter, amplifier, and dual Step LFOs. You can use up to four partials simultaneously, choosing from thousands of waveforms, 10 modeled filter types, and 11 LFO shapes. Combining multiple synthesis types, lush effects, and deep modulation capabilities, you’re able to build stunning sounds that spark new ideas.

included models:
• JUNO-106
• JX-8P
• SH-101
• JD-800

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