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电影乐队综合音源 – Cinematique Instruments Ensemblia 2 Orchestral KONTAKT


Ensemblia 2.0-更新更少,发展更多
我们没有将Ensemblia 2视为更新–我们喜欢称之为进化!
Ensemblia 2主要是从头开始重建的-我们编写了具有新功能的完整新脚本,但还包括了旧脚本的某些部分,例如发声引擎。
仪器数量增加了很多。 Ensemblia 2 Orchestral除了将弦乐部分升级为三重奏外,还配备了许多新乐器,例如萨克斯管,低音单簧管,长号,电吉他和长笛-但也包括本店的许多乐器。 Ensemblia 2 Orchestral现在总共提供80多种乐器! (见下文)。仪器按类别和组组织得很好,可以动态显示。所有的乐器都在指尖。
1合4单元-Ensemblia 2 Orchestral在一个GUI中带有四个独立的单元。这样一来,您就可以轻松地在运行中的四个具有不同样式的独立单元之间切换。
-7 + 1轨道混音器,具有复杂的独立声音处理

-7 + 1轨道混音器,每个轨道带有智能语音引擎,可进行复杂的单独声音处理
-120 + 65个预设分为多个类别
-大约6GB(4 GB压缩)数据(10,000个样本)
-57 + 32台乐器


Ensemblia 2.0 – Less update, more evolution
We don ́t see Ensemblia 2 as an update – we like to call it evolution!
Ensemblia 2 was mainly rebuilt from scratch – we have written a complete new script with new features but also have included some parts of the old scripts such as the voicing engine.
The Design of the new 2.0 version now features a completely new interface. Everything looks very noble and is very clear.
The Mixer now gives every separate instrument a wealth of sound shaping tools. It’s amazing how far the sound can be pushed to each individual instrument as well as to the master. An absolute unique feature is the 3D Panning.
The Instrument amount has increased a lot. Beside upgrading the string section with triples, Ensemblia 2 Orchestral is packed with many new instruments such as saxophones, bass clarinet, trombones, electric guitar and flutes – but also many instruments of our current shop are included. All in all Ensemblia 2 Orchestral now provides more than 80 instruments! (see below). The instruments are well organized available by categories and groups which are displayed dynamically. All the instruments are right at the finger-tips.
The Preset Browser comes with over 170 pre-assembled patterns which are easily selectable via a file browser.
4 Units in 1 – Ensemblia 2 Orchestral comes with four separate units in one GUI. This lets you easily switch between four individual units with different patterns on the fly.
– intelligent, powerful arranger with smart Voicing Engine per track
– 7 + 1 track mixer with complex separate sound processing
– 57 instruments from strings to woodwinds, brass, stringed, mallets, keys and percussion
– 120 presets divided in many categories
– one complex patch with mixer, arranger, file browser, instruments selector as written above.
– approx. 4GB data (9.000 Samples)

– 7 + 1 track mixer with complex separate sound processing with smart Voicing Engine per track
– 32 instruments from strings to woodwinds, brass, stringed, mallets, keys and chuch organ
– 65 presets divided in many categories
– one complex patch with mixer, arranger, file browser, instruments selector as written above.
– approx. 2GB data (1.300 Samples)
– short and long verion (both instruments)
– all features as described above
– 120 + 65 presets divided in many categories
– approx. 6GB (4 GB compressed) data (10.000+ Samples)
– 57 + 32 instruments

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