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模拟环绕声软件 – Ashampoo Soundstage Pro 1.0.3 Win

一款专业的电脑虚拟音效软件,有了这款软件,可以轻松的为您电脑上的耳机添加真实的环绕声效果,让你能够通过常规的耳机来体验真正逼真的环绕声,利用虚拟声卡的帮助,带有环绕声的音频将实时转换为令人惊叹的双耳立体声。该软件可以将现有的5.1、6.1和7.1声道转换为双耳立体声并发送到您的耳机,无需昂贵的硬件也可以获得真实的环绕声体验,使用能够在您的电脑上快速处理各种音频信号,然后进行一系列的更改并模拟它们在实际环绕声系统中的声音,再将信号进行调整并发送到您的耳机中,这样的话您就能够用普通的耳机也能够体验超级给力的环绕声音乐,让你可以完全不需要使用专业的音频硬件就能够享受同样的听觉盛宴,软件具有多声音选项,并且所有的预设都是绝对的专业,可自定义进行音量调整,让您轻松感受电影院级别的体验!无论是看电影、听音乐还是玩 3D 游戏,Ashampoo Soundstage Pro都可以提供相当不错的音频体验,并且还可以自定义设置进行微调;此外,内置多种耳机的预设为常用型号提供最佳设置,还有一个游戏友好型模式,可以增加声音的空间感,有助于在不掺入原始音频的情况下更快地检测敌人;最后,利用虚拟扬声器,甚至还可以显着增强立体声效果。

File Size: 115.8 MB

环绕立体声值得一看。但是你的PC系统连接到环绕系统了吗?与Ashampoo Soundstage Pro,您可以体验生动的环绕声通过您的常规耳机!如果没有专用的环绕立体声系统,你不会相信你的声音会多么丰富!

虚拟声卡位于您的真实声卡和耳机之间。Ashampoo Soundstage Pro会处理你电脑上的所有音频信号,并修改它们来模拟它们在实际环绕系统上的声音。改变的信号然后发送到您的耳机,给您充分的环绕体验没有专用的音频硬件!音频环境内建到软件是由世界一流的录音工作室的专家创造!

由于它们是间隔的,我们的耳朵可以根据声音先传到哪只耳朵来判断出3D效果。Ashampoo Soundstage Pro使用这个来创建一个真正的环绕体验,没有环绕设备!


Ashampoo Soundstage Pro提供了一个多方面的聆听体验。像5.1、6.1和7.1这样的音频标准,加上十个虚拟位置,创建了复杂的音频环境,背面和侧面的扬声器都很容易识别。Ashampoo Soundstage Pro并不高端现有的音频信号,而是依赖于原始音频信号中实际环绕信息的存在。只有这样才能保证高质量的音频体验!

Ashampoo Soundstage Pro将沉浸感提升到一个新的高度!你会准确地听到你的敌人在哪里。游戏可以是快节奏的,所以我们已经集成了可选的低延迟模式,为专业游戏优化,减少延迟到最小!


使用Ashampoo Soundstage Pro,即使是普通的立体声录音也会听起来更好。大多数歌曲是为高保真系统而掌握的,在低档系统上播放时质量会下降。有了这个程序,你就可以享受你的音乐本来的声音,而不需要昂贵的高保真设备!

在家中享受电影般的电影体验!只需启动应用程序并播放您的电影。Ashampoo Soundstage Pro可以把你的耳机变成电影院。你不会相信你的耳朵!

虽然我们为最流行的耳机型号提供了均衡器预设,但你可以免费尝试不同的组合,以找到最适合自己的声音。完美的音频体验只是几次点击,去找它与Ashampoo Soundstage Pro!




Surround sound is something to behold. But is your PC system connected to a surround system? With Ashampoo Soundstage Pro, you can experience vivid surround sound through your regular headphones! You won’t believe how rich your audio can sound without a dedicated surround system!

The magic of a virtual sound card
The virtual sound card sits between your real sound card and your headphones. Ashampoo Soundstage Pro processes all audio signals on your PC and alters them to simulate how they would sound on an actual surround system. The altered signal is then sent to your headphones, giving you the full surround experience without dedicated audio hardware! The audio environments built into the software were created by experts in world-class recording studios!

What is binaural stereo?
Since they are spaced apart, our ears enable us to hear in 3D based on which ear the sound hits first. Ashampoo Soundstage Pro uses this to create a true surround experience without surround equipment!

Multiple sound locations
The program gives you ten different sound locations to choose from! These presets were created by experts in professional recording studios. Experience the full gamut of surround fidelity! Naturally, volumes are individually customizable for each virtual speaker!

Surround sound for your headphones
Ashampoo Soundstage Pro provides a multi-faceted listening experience. Audio standards like 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 in tandem with ten virtual locations create sophisticated audio environments, with rear and side speakers being easily identifiable. Ashampoo Soundstage Pro does not upscale existing audio signals but depends on the existence of actual surround information in the original audio signal. Only this guarantees a high-quality audio experience!

Unparalleled in-depth gaming experience
Ashampoo Soundstage Pro takes immersion to the next level! You’ll hear precisely where your enemies are. Games can be fast-paced so we’ve integrated an optional low-latency mode optimized for professional gaming that cuts down latency to a minimum!

Customizable room settings
Not only can you change the location but also its size. This adds even more depth to the audio experience. And we haven’t forgotten about gamers: A special neutral setting perfect for gaming is also included.

Enhanced stereo experience
Even normal stereo recordings sound better with Ashampoo Soundstage Pro. Most songs are mastered for hi-fi systems and suffer a quality loss when played on lower grade systems. With this program, you can enjoy your music the way it was meant to sound–without the need for expensive hi-fi equipment!

Breathtaking movie experience
Enjoy a cinema-like movie experience in your home! Simply launch the application and play your movies. Ashampoo Soundstage Pro acoustically turns your headphones into a movie theater. You won’t believe your ears!

Equalizer included
Though we’ve included equalizer presets for the most popular headphone models, you’re free to try out different combination to find what sounds best to you. The perfect audio experience is just a few clicks away, go find it with Ashampoo Soundstage Pro!


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