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木管音源 – Heavyocity VENTO Essentials KONTAKT


像它的弦乐和黄铜Essentials的前身一样,VENTO Essentials是Heavyocity对传统的回答。在这种情况下,就木管乐器在现代乐谱中的功能提供了新鲜而原始的诠释。无缝的Full Ensemble预设让您触手可及的12管木管乐团的独特之处。添加25个全新的Hybrid快照和36个Loop,VENTO Essentials充满音乐气息,为所有预算和经验水平的作曲家提供鼓舞人心的木管乐器体验。

VENTO Essentials传统的Woodwinds预设不算什么。决心将木管乐器推向超越传统的方向,Heavyocity寻求开辟一个新的利基市场-将独特的合奏与独特的发音相结合,以创造出富有表现力的木管乐器内容调色板,以备不时之需。 VENTO Essentials提供了该初始任务的一个很好的示例,其中包括七个部分(长笛,双簧管,单簧管,低音提琴单簧管,巴松管和低音提琴)和六个发音(延音,断音,渐强音,细微脉动,随机颤音和簇渐强音) )。

VENTO Essentials是一支由12个部件组成的木管乐团的声音潜能,再加上Heavyocity的标志性声音设计技术:将这些精心记录的音源进行调整,处理,处理和混搭,然后将它们混合成全新的混合电影元素。 VENTO Essentials具有25个全新的Hybrid快照和36个Loops,可直接为现代作曲家带来新鲜的签名声音。


-3.86 GB未压缩(NI无损压缩的磁盘上为2.3 GB)
-Komplete Kontrol集成(支持NKS)

需要NI Kontakt Player或Kontakt FULL v6.5.2或更高版本!



Like its string and brass Essentials predecessors, VENTO Essentials is Heavyocity’s answer to the traditional; in this case, delivering a fresh and original take on what woodwinds are capable of in modern scores. A seamless Full Ensemble preset places the unique character of a 12-piece woodwinds orchestra at your fingertips. Add in 25 all-new Hybrid snapshots and 36 Loops, and VENTO Essentials brims with musical possibility, delivering an inspiring woodwinds experience for composers of all budgets and levels of experience.

VENTO Essentials Traditional Woodwinds preset is anything but. Determined to push woodwinds beyond the conventional, Heavyocity sought to carve out a new niche — combining unique ensembles with unique articulations to create a palette of expressive woodwinds content destined for modern scores. VENTO Essentials provides a great sample of that initial mission, featuring seven sections (Flutes, Oboes, Clarinets, Contra Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, and Contra Bassoon) and six articulations (Sustains, Staccatos, Crescendos, Subtle Pulses, Random Vibratos, and Cluster Crescendos).

VENTO Essentials is the sonic potential of a 12-piece woodwind orchestra, plus Heavyocity’s signature sound-design techniques: tweaking, processing, mangling, and mashing up these meticulously-recorded sources into an all-new crop of hybrid cinematic elements. Featuring 25 all-new Hybrid snapshots and 36 Loops, and VENTO Essentials delivers a fresh crop of signature sounds straight into the hands of the modern composer.

What’s included:
– A Collection of Core Elements from VENTO: Modern Woodwinds
– A 12-piece Full Woodwinds Ensemble with six articulations
– Contemporary woodwinds designer, transforms the traditional
– Inspiring woodwind loops inject instant character into your score

Tech Specs:
– Available as direct download only
– 3.86 GB uncompressed (2.3 GB on Disk with NI lossless compression)
– 2,235 Samples
– 25 All-New Snapshot Presets
– 36 Woodwinds Loops
– 3 NKIs
– Intuitive Sample Browser
– CYCLE page for advanced granular & rhythmic playback
– MACRO knob for dynamic multi-parameter control
– Komplete Kontrol integrated (NKS-ready)

Requires NI Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.5.2 or later!

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