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最新Reveal Sound Spire v1.5.6.5143 / v1.5.7 合成器+扩展735套+中文视频教程10集[WiN, MacOSX](417Mb)

WiN: Team R2R | 100 MB | MAC: MORiA | AU/VST | 317.64 MB

Reveal Sound的Spire是一种软件复音合成器,结合了软件和硬件合成器的最佳机会。强大的声音引擎调制,出色的图形界面和灵活的体系结构相结合,为这款强大的合成器提供了无与伦比的可用性。


聆听音频演示并细读预设,您可能倾向于将Spire分类为the /舞曲机,它的发声一致且发抖,并且发出大而轻快的夸张音调。也许正是为此目的而创建的。它是一个在明亮,胖乎乎的,绝对是数字混合的纹理中脱颖而出的强国。

凭借Armin van Buuren,Hardwell和Dada Life等著名EDM艺术家的推荐,Reveal Sound的Spire迅速成为舞蹈音乐的首选合成器之一。查看其综合架构,很容易明白原因。

借助4个极其灵活的振荡器,它们为带有一对选件的一对多模滤波器提供了馈电,其音频信号路径具有多种纹理。在调制方面,实际上可以为任何参数分配4个包络,4个LFO和2个步进序列器。 Spire的四个振荡器均以以下5种模式之一运行:经典,FM,噪声,AMSync和SawPWM。然后,每种模式都提供了大量的波表,可以将其混合到其核心声音中。

Spire拥有一流的Sounding滤波器(2个多模式滤波器,具有模拟和数字类型的天蝎,Perfecto,Acido,Infecto,Combo滤波),独特的Unison Engene(每个振荡器9个一致声音,通过和弦和八度音调传播一致声音,能够模仿不同的声音)统一类型,如超级锯,超锯,FX处理器(Phaser / Vowel,Shaper / Decimator,Chors / Flanger,Reverb,Delay),用户友好的琶音器,灵活的调制体系结构(4个信封,4个宏,4个具有变形形状的LFO, 15个矩阵插槽,每个插槽均配备2个光源和4个目标。




Spire Synthesizer已更新至v1.5.7 –内部版本5153(2021.03.01)

*修复了Big Sur中的界面故障
*针对Apple Silicon M1的优化

Spire by Reveal Sound is a software polyphonic synthesizer that combines best opportunities of software and hardware synthesizers. The combination of powerful sound engine modulation, nice graphical interface and flexible architecture provides unparalleled usability of this mighty synth.

Listening to the audio demos and perusing the presets, you might be inclined to classify Spire as the trance / dance machine with its fat unison oscillators and big, brash, bombastic tones. Perhaps it was created precisely for this purpose. It is a powerhouse that stand out at bright, fat, decidedly digital textures that really cut through a mix.

With testimonials from famous EDM artists such as Armin van Buuren, Hardwell, and Dada Life, Reveal Sound’s Spire has quickly become one of dance music’s go-to softsynths. Looking over its synthesis architecture, it’s easy to see why.

With 4 incredibly flexible oscillators feeding a pair of multimode filters with tons of options, its audio signal path is capable of a huge assortment of textures. On the modulation side, there are 4 envelopes, 4 LFOs, and 2 step-sequencers that can be assigned to virtually any parameter. Each of Spire’s four oscillators operates in one of 5 modes: Classic, FM, Noise, AMSync, and SawPWM. Each mode then offers a huge array of wavetables that can be blended into its core sound.

Spire has superb Sounding Filters (2 multimode filters with analogue and digital types of filtering Scorpio, Perfecto, Acido, Infecto, Combo), unique Unison Engene (9 unison voices on each oscillator, spread unison voices by chords and octaves, capable of imitate different types of unisons like supersaw, hypersaw), FX Processor (Phaser/Vowel, Shaper/Decimator, Chorus/Flanger, Reverb, Delay), user-friendly Arpeggiator, flexible Modulation Architecture (4 Envelopes, 4 Macroses, 4 LFOs with morphing shapes, 15 Matrix slots each of equipped with 2 sources and 4 targets).

Reveal Sound Spire Presets

The Spire comes with over 700 factory presets including bass sequences and complex arpeggios, a versatile assortment of leads, plucks, exhilarating pads, drums and FXs. Presets are top notch, they are “hit-ready”, not like in other synths which may be packed with presets but only 20% of them is usable. Here you will find sounds which fit track perfectly and hence this synth is used by so many producers. The sound is simply great. Very deep, very sharp, very analog, and digital if you want it to be. On ttded.com. you can find and download a lot of fresh Spire Presets and Soundbanks for different styles of electronic music.

The Spire is available as VST, AAX and AU plug-in in both 32 and 64 bit versions and works on both PC and Mac.

Spire Synthesizer has been updated to v1.5.7 – build 5153 (2021.03.01)

* Fixes for interface glitches in Big Sur
* Optimization for Apple Silicon M1
* Fixes for Arpeggiator
* Minor improvements

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