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旋律循环 – Cymatics Narco Trap Melodies WAV MiDi

P2P | 15 August 2021 | 1.11 GB

创作高质量的旋律循环是制作热门唱片最重要的部分之一。 即使是游戏中最大的制作人也有循环制作团队为他们提供旋律循环,因此他们可以在录音室时间找到适合任何氛围的循环。 (只要看看 Travis Scott 和 Kanye West 等艺术家的歌曲制作名单就知道了)

这个包就像拥有你自己的循环制作者个人团队,灵感来自像 CuBeatz 这样的传奇循环制作者,它提供了一个很深的包,可以在你开始下一个大唱片时从中汲取灵感。

还包括每个旋律的词干,使每个循环易于自定义和以无穷无尽的方式翻转 – 改变速度,调整音高,将其切碎并重新排列,或者按原样放置。

Narcos Trap Melodies 规格:

•100% 免版税


Composing quality melody loops is one of the most important parts of making a hit record. Even the biggest producers in the game have teams of loop makers to supply them with melody loops, so they can find one for any vibe when it’s studio time. (Just look at the long list of production credits on songs by artists like Travis Scott and Kanye West)

This pack is like having your own personal team of loop makers, inspired by legendary loop makers like CuBeatz, it provides a deep bag to pull from for inspiration when starting your next big record.

Stems for each melody are included as well, making each loop easy to customize and flip in endless ways – change the tempo, adjust the pitch, chop it up and rearrange it, or just drop it in as-is.

Narcos Trap Melodies specs:

•53 Trap Melodies
•Stems and MIDI included
•100% royalty free

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