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效果器插件 – Unfiltered Audio SpecOps v1.2.0 macOSX

Unfiltered Audio SpecOps v1.2.0 macOS-SPTNDC| 51.9 MB

SpecOps 是数十个插件合二为一。在其易于使用的界面内是一个拥挤不堪的军械库,其中包含 36 种不同且灵活的光谱效果,范围从微妙到极端。您使用这些强大工具的方式仅受您的创造性想象力的真正限制:将合成器预设转换为新的声音品质,在鼓循环中添加颤抖的垃圾摇滚,丰富乐器音轨,巧妙地澄清完整的混音,或将有机乐器和人声剔除到无法识别的程度以创建独一无二的特效。

神奇的一切都始于 SpecOps 强大的分析引擎,它可以立即将您的音频分成数千个微小的频率片段或“bin”,以进行实时处理。您可以将音高和频移或冻结效果应用于所有垃圾箱,但这只是开始。很快,您可以从下拉菜单中添加最多三种独特的频谱效果以供同时使用 – 每个处理器应用于不同的频段!然后使用 Spectral Compander 的简单控制独立地一次压缩或扩展数千个频率仓,产生从微妙的动态控制到惊人的泵浦和失真的广泛效果。SpecOps 的旗舰可修补调制系统可让您应用多达六个内置调制器 – 包括强大的 16 步音序器、输入跟随器、采样和保持噪声、宏控制和四个不同的 LFO – 同时连接到任何和所有控制旋钮和滑块。它甚至包括对 ROLI Lightpad 的支持,允许对参数移动的三个维度进行触觉控制,以实现即时制作效果和现场表演。

这些应用程序确实是无限的,从音乐制作的适度处理到声音设计的严格处理,应有尽有。SpecOps 是您通往电子和实验音乐新世界的星际传送器:当您调制不同频率箱中的电平、过滤、音高、噪声或失真时,疲惫的静态合成器垫会活跃起来,创建预设库只能提供的不断变化的音色模式的梦。没有合成器?冻结原声乐器轨道上的音频并应用音高变换来创建频谱合成器。实验音乐制作人和声音设计师可以使用 SpecOps 的火车破坏效果将高帽音轨残酷地转换为外来静态的爆发或使原始的人声轨道听起来像喉咙痛的 R2D2。SpecOps 也是工业音乐制作人的破坏性武器:

但是,尽管 SpecOps 具有强大的力量,但它也可以是礼貌的 – 并且是一个问题解决者。
通过使用包络跟随器调制 SpecOps 的 Reverse 算法来预热脆弱的电吉他音轨。在完整混音中,SpecOps 可以自动找到并衰减最弱的低音频率,从而使低音清晰并集中注意力。通过使用 SpecOp 的频谱压扩器一次独立压缩数千个频率仓,您可以在自动驯服不平衡的频率峰值的同时,为您的混音增加更多的力量和冲击力。或者使用频谱低通和噪声滤波器以及音高调制来临时在完整混音中创建薄薄的法兰分解,以达到惊人的效果。

是的,它做到了这一切。SpecOps 是激发您想象力的跳板!

不需要 PA 许可证或 KeyGen。

SpecOps is dozens of plugins in one. Inside its easy-to-use interface is a jam-packed armory containing 36 diverse and flexible spectral effects, ranging from subtle to extreme. How you use these potent tools is truly limited only by your creative imagination: transform synthesizer presets with new sonic qualities, add throbbing grunge to drum loops, fatten up instrument tracks, delicately clarify full mixes, or decimate organic instruments and vocals beyond recognition to create one-of-a-kind special effects.

The magic all starts with SpecOps’ powerful analysis engine, which instantly splits your audio into thousands of tiny frequency slices, or “bins,” for real-time processing. You can apply pitch and frequency shifting or a Freeze effect to all bins, but that’s just the start. In a snap, you can add up to three unique spectral effects from dropdown menus for simultaneous use – with each processor applied to a different frequency band! Then compress or expand thousands of frequency bins independently and at once using the Spectral Compander’s simple controls, producing wide-ranging effects from subtle dynamics control to outrageous pumping and distortion. SpecOps’ flagship patchable modulation system lets you apply up to six built-in modulators – including a powerful 16-step sequencer, input follower, sample and hold noise, macro control and four different LFOs – simultaneously to any and all control knobs and sliders. It even includes support for the ROLI Lightpad, allowing tactile control over three dimensions of parameter movements for on-the-fly production effects and live performance.

The applications are truly limitless and stretch from moderate processing for music production to severe mangling for sound design. SpecOps is your interstellar transporter to new worlds in electronic and experimental music: Tired, static synth pads come alive when you modulate the levels, filtering, pitch, noise or distortion in different frequency bins, creating ever-shifting timbral patterns your preset libraries could only dream of. Don’t own a synth? Freeze audio on an acoustic instrument track and apply pitch shift to create a spectral synthesizer. Experimental music producers and sound designers can use SpecOps’ train-wrecking effects to brutally transform a hi hat track into bursts of alien static or make pristine vocal tracks sound like R2D2 with a sore throat. SpecOps is also an industrial music producer’s destructive weapon: Modulate a frequency-dependent clipper on an electric bass guitar’s track to add nasty bottom-end distortion that pulsates perfectly in time with your music’s tempo.

But for all its brute strength, SpecOps can also be polite – and a problem solver.
Warm up brittle electric guitar tracks by using the envelope follower to modulate SpecOps’ Reverse algorithm. On a full mix, SpecOps can automatically find and attenuate the weakest bass frequencies, clarifying and bringing focus to the bottom end. You can add more power and punch to your mixes while automatically taming unbalanced frequency peaks by using SpecOp’s Spectral Compander to independently compress thousands of frequency bins at once. Or use the spectral Low Pass and noise filters along with pitch modulation to temporarily create thin, flanged breakdowns on full mixes to startling effect.

Yeah, it does all that. SpecOps is a springboard for your imagination!

Doesn’t require a PA license or KeyGen.

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