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摇滚金属吉他箱头 – Nembrini Audio NA Cali Dual v1.0.2 WIN

Nembrini Audio Cali Dual v1.0.2-RET| 21.66 MB

Cali 双三通道吉他放大器 100 瓦头可以从最原始的干净声音驱动到令人难以置信的破碎增益墙。自 90 年代以来,它以其独特的液体主音定义了现代摇滚和金属的声音。


通道 1 具有两种发声模式:Clean 以获得紧凑而闪亮的清晰音调,以及 Pushed 用于辛辣的中等增益风味。
通道 2/3 具有三种发声模式:经典 recto 模式:原始用于嘎吱声和蓝调,复古用于流动和温暖的高增益声音,现代用于最重和超级激进的声音。

在寻找特定声音时,Cali 双三通道吉他放大器的两种不同功率选择同样重要。

Spongy 就像内置的 Variac 一样工作,降低了所有内部电压,以获得真正的复古感觉和非凡的“棕色声音”。内部电压降低,更容易实现过载功率声音,尤其是当整流器模式开关处于电子管位置时。

Cali Dual 三通道吉他放大器吉他放大器插件包括一个完整的录音链仿真,带有 6 个精选和微调的吉他放大器箱体、4 个麦克风和一个混音器部分,可将 2 个麦克风与房间氛围和我们的定制设计噪声门电路混合在一起。

您还可以通过 Cali Dual 三通道吉他放大器插件加载您最喜欢的内阁脉冲响应或绕过音频录音链部分以使用您的真实功率放大器和吉他扬声器系统!

The Cali Dual Three Channels Guitar Amplifier 100 watt head can be driven from the most pristine clean sounds to incredible crushing wall of gain. Since the 90s it defined the sound of modern rock and metal with his distinctive liquid lead sounds.

Three completely independent channels with separate controls for gain, tone, presence and volume.

Channel 1 with two voicing modes: Clean for tight and sparkling clear tones and Pushed for spicy mid-gain flavor.
Channels 2/3 with three voicing modes: Classics recto mode: Raw for crunch and blues tones, Vintage for liquid and warmth high-gain sounds and Modern for heaviest and super aggressive sounds.

The two different power selections the Cali Dual Three Channel Guitar Amplifier are equally important when looking for a particular sound.

Spongy works like a built in Variac, reducing all the internal voltages for atrue vintage feeling and that extraordinary “brown sound.” internal voltage is reduced, making it easier to achieve an overdriven power sound, especially when the Rectifier Mode switch is in the Tube position.
Bold position, maximum power, clean headroom.

The Cali Dual Three Channel Guitar Amplifier guitar amplifier plugin includes a complete recording chain emulation with 6 selected and fine tuned guitar amplifier cabinets, 4 microphones and a mixer section to blend 2 mics together with the room ambience and our custom design noise gate circuit.

You can also load your favorite Cabinet Impulse Response or bypass the intere recording chain section to use your real power amplifier and guitar speakers system with the Cali Dual Three Channel Guitar Amplifier plugin!

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