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手碟音源 – Cinematique Instruments Pandrum KONTAKT


Pandrum 是一款出色的乐器,具有现代设计的美妙声音。最后,它是对真实手盘乐器的非常令人印象深刻的再现,而且还提供了通过应用众多功能来极大地扩展和改变整个声音的能力。

什么是手盘 / PANDRUM
手盘由两个胶合在一起的金属半壳组成,底部有一个整体开口。顶部是一个中央音域,最深的音符被至少七个具有较高音阶音符的音域包围。音域的创建和调整极其复杂。在调音过程中,调音师会在每个音域中敲击几个泛音。这需要很长时间。最后,handpan 有大量来自世界各地的秤。除了经典的手鼓乐器在音域中受到打击外,还有使用金属簧片的舌鼓部门。

为了给 Pandrum 提供尽可能广泛的乐器及其种类,我们汇集了从简单到一流的非常复杂的手盘和舌鼓。它们都被记录在几个动态层和 8 个循环变化中。

6 手盘乐器
我们收集了高端手盘乐器,如 Zephyr、Leaf、Pan Art、Camenzind、Orbi Pan 和 Tiflis。此外,我们还录制了一套特殊的 Zephyr 打击乐器以及一套由木槌演奏的 Orbi Drum,听起来类似于钢鼓。

2 舌鼓
有两种鼓舞人心的舌鼓可供选择:Aqua Drum 和持久耐用的 RAV Vast。

Pandrum 配备了 18 种不同的音阶。这使您能够演奏 – 除了常规的半音键盘音阶 – 真正的手盘音阶。当使用 Wavepan 控制器(见下文)等外部控制器时,此选项是完美的,它是专为 Pandrum 设计的,非常适合它。

所有乐器和发音都以非常复杂的方式录制,最多 5 个动态层中有 8 个循环变化。

您可以混入甚至单独演奏额外的分层声音,例如美妙的 Gender – 加美兰电颤琴或大气毡钢琴。但也有鼓舞人心的吉他和 Sald Bowl。

除了包络(起音、衰减)等常规工具外,还有均衡器和滤波器、混响、延迟以及其他效果选项,例如箱体、驱动器、颤音或旋转。这非常适合快速改变和塑造 Pandrum 的整个声音。

6 个预设
为了展示构建纹理的多功能性和可能性,有 6 个预设可用。每一个都代表着不同的演奏潘德拉姆的方式。


Pandrum is an exceptional instrument with a fantastic sound in a modern design. Finally it is a very impressive reproduction of a real handpan instrument, but also offers the ability to extremly extend and vary the entire sound by applying numerous features.

A Hand Pan consists of two metal half-shells glued together with an opening whole in the bottom side. On top is a central tone field with the deepest note surrounded by a circle of at least seven tone fields with higher scale notes. The creation and tuning of the tone fields is extremely complex. In the process of tuning, the tuner hammers several overtones into every tone field. This takes a very long time. Finally the handpan is available in a large amount of scales from all over the world. In addition to the classic handpan instruments with battered in tone fields, there is also the department of the Tongue Drums, which work with metallic reeds.

In order to give Pandrum the widest possible range of instruments and their variety, we have put together a very sophisticated selection of handpans and tongue drums from simple to top notch. They were all recorded in several dynamic layers and 8 round robin variations.

6 Handpan instruments
We have collected high end handpan instruments such as Zephyr, Leaf, Pan Art, Camenzind, Orbi Pan and Tiflis. Furthermore we recorded a special percussion set of the Zephyr as well as an Orbi Drum set played by mallets which sounds similiar to steel drums.

2 Tongue Drums
There are two inspiring tongue drums available: an Aqua Drum and the long sustaining RAV Vast.

18 Scales
The Pandrum is equipped with 18 different scales. This gives you the ability to play – beside the regular chromatic keyboard scale – authentic handpan scales. This option is perfect when using external controllers such as the Wavepan Controller (see below) which was specially designed for the Pandrum and fits perfectly to it.

Detailed Sampling
All instruments and articulations were recorded in a very complex way with eight round robin variation in up to 5 dynamic layers.

5 Layer Instruments
You are able to mix in or even play exclusively additional layer sounds such as the wonderful sounding Gender – a Gamelan vibraphone or an atmpospheric Felt Piano. But there are also inspiring Guitars and a Sald Bowl available.

Tone Shaping
Besides the regular tools such as envelope (attack, decay) there is an EQ and filters, reverb, delay as well as additional fx options such as cabinet, drive, tremolo or rotary. This is perfect to quickly change and shape the entire sound of the Pandrum.

6 Presets
In order to show the versatility and possibilty to build textures there are 6 presets availabe. Each one stands for a different way of playing the Pandrum.

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