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恐龙母带套装 – IK Multimedia T-RackS 5 Complete v5.3.2 Incl Keygen WIN/OSX-R2R

Team R2R | 25 Apr 2020 | WiN: 1.62GB | OSX: 1.75GB

IK Multimedia已宣布发布T-RackS磁带机系列。该系列旨在为您提供模拟磁带的真实特征,为轨道增加温暖感,特征和粘性。

新型号包括Tape Machine 440,Tape Machine 80,Tape Machine 24和Tape Machine 99,它们重新创建了1960年代,1970年代和1980年代的四台经典磁带录音机:Ampex 440B,Studer A80,MCI JH24和Revox PR99。

T-RackS磁带机系列是对真正的磁带机进行2年研究和开发的结晶,每台磁带都经过精心修复以符合“规格”,并逐阶段建模以提高准确性。通过对卷积和物理建模进行仔细的混合,Tape Machine Collection旨在电子创建机器,磁带和音频的复杂相互作用,甚至捕获每台机器的最小细节。


胶带机440:Ampex 440系列可追溯到1960年代后期,并以其无可比拟的深厚色彩而著称,这使得这款专业的,历史悠久的混音和母带制作机成为传奇。
磁带机80:Studer A80 Mk II的各种版本是无数有影响力唱片的重要组成部分。从1970年到1988年在瑞士设计和制造,它已成为专业高端多轨技术的事实上的标准。 A80的声音特征是透明度和微妙的谐波增强之间的著名融合。
磁带机24:MCI JH24的模型。 JH24于1980年代首次生产,是1980年代美国工作室中的必备品。
磁带机99:Revox PR99 Mk II是Studer在1980年代生产的立体声专业录音机。该模型围绕混合设计进行设计,该设计旨在结合最佳的分立和运算放大器拓扑,该模型提供了非常平滑的频率响应,尤其是在低音方面,几乎没有任何典型的“头部碰撞”现象。广播和古典音乐的标准,




IK Multimedia has announced the release of the T-RackS Tape Machine Collection. This collection is intended to give you the true character of analog tape, adding warmth, character and glue to tracks.

The new models include the Tape Machine 440, Tape Machine 80, Tape Machine 24, and Tape Machine 99, re-creating four classic tape recording machines from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s: the Ampex 440B, the Studer A80, the MCI JH24 and the Revox PR99.

The T-RackS Tape Machine Collection is the culmination of 2 years of research and development on real tape machines, each carefully restored “to spec” and modeled stage-by-stage for accuracy. Using a careful mix of convolution and physical modeling the Tape Machine Collection is designed to e-creates the complex interplay of machine, tape, and audio to capture even the smallest detail of each machine.

Each Tape Machine module offers its own unique character plus 4 tape formulas, selectable tape speed, and common controls designed to let you easily audition the differences between the different machines and tape formulations.

Tape Machine 440: The Ampex 440 series dates from the late 1960’s, and known to deliver an unmistakably soulful color that made this professional and historic mixing and mastering machine a legend.
Tape Machine 80: The Studer A80 Mk II, in its various revisions, was an essential part of countless influential records. Engineered and manufactured in Switzerland from 1970 to 1988, it became the de facto standard for professional high-end multi-tracking. The A80’s sonic signature is a famous blend between transparency and subtle harmonic enhancement.
Tape Machine 24: A model of the MCI JH24. First produced in 1980, the JH24 was a staple in US studios during the 1980s.
Tape Machine 99: The Revox PR99 Mk II is a stereo professional recorder produced by Studer in the 1980s. Engineered around a hybrid design that was designed to combine the best of discrete and op-amp topologies, this model offers a very smooth frequency response, especially on bass, with almost no trace of the typical “head bump” phenomenon. A standard for broadcast and classical music,

What’s New:
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

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