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声音设计和音乐创作教程 – Sound Design and Music Composition with Wags

6 个部分 • 17 个讲座 • 2h 32m
视频:MP4 1280×720 44 KHz |英文+子
发表于 2/2022 |大小:3 GB

使用 PureScript Wags 制作在线音乐

如果您在使用 Logic、Ableton 或 SuperCollider 等工具之前在计算机上制作过音乐,这将很有帮助
在本课程中,您将学习如何使用 Wagpad(由 PureScript wags 提供支持的在线数字音频工作站)制作循环、效果、合成器、无人机和完整作品。

如果您是一名音乐家,并且有兴趣突破数字音乐创作的界限,那么这门课程是必须的。您将使用 Logic 或 Ableton 等工具探索不切实际或不可能的音乐纹理和形式。我希望这门课程为您作为音乐家的旅程开启新的篇章。到最后,您将制作和分享您以前根本不会制作的声音。

该课程将从 wags 的介绍开始,然后是一些我们创建循环的简单示例。它将转向更复杂的序列和效果,例如过滤器和延迟。我们还将研究无人机和合成器,我将分享一些使用 wags 制作的高级示例。


非常感谢您查看课程,我期待在第一课中见到您,我们将使用 wags 制作我们的第一个循环。

想要扩大现场表演词汇量的 DJ
使用 MIDI 乐器的键盘手和其他音乐家想要在线创建和共享合成器


Instructors: Mike Solomon
6 sections • 17 lectures • 2h 32m
Video: MP4 1280×720 44 KHz | English + Sub
Published 2/2022 | Size: 3 GB

Make Music Online using PureScript Wags

What you’ll learn
Make beats, loops, and synths online
Structure musical compositions using functional programming
Generate music algorithmically
Create effects chains using filters, delays and reverb
It’s helpful if you’ve made music on a computer before using a tool like Logic, Ableton, or SuperCollider
It’s helpful if you have programmed before, although the course provides working examples that you play immediately and edit
In this course, you’ll learn how to make loops, effects, synths, drones and full compositions using Wagpad, an online digital audio workstation powered by PureScript wags.

If you’re a musician and you’re interested in pushing the boundaries of digital music creation, this course is a must. You’ll explore musical textures and forms that are impractical or impossible with tools like Logic or Ableton. My hope is that this course opens up a new chapter in your journey as a musician. By the end, you’ll be making and sharing sounds that you simply would not have made before.

The course will start with an intro to wags, followed by some simple examples where we create loops. It will move on to more complex sequences and effects like filters and delays. We’ll also look into drones and synthesizers, and I’ll share some advanced examples made using wags.

The ideal student is a musician that’s not afraid to try something new. You don’t need to be an expert coder to take this course: even though there’s lots of code, all of the examples are meant to be copied and pasted and discovered at your own pace. By the end, through dissecting and recreating the examples, you’ll have a powerful new toolset for creating sound.

Thanks a lot for checking out the course, and I’m looking forward to seeing you in the first lesson, where we’ll make our first loop using wags.

Who this course is for
DJs that want to expand the vocabulary of their live sets
Composers and songwriters that want to explore a new way to write and edit music
Producers that would like to add novel effects
Keyboardists and other musicians using MIDI instruments that would like to create and share synths online

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