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响度最大化器 – Venomode Maximal 2.3.0 Win/macOS/Linux

File Size: 19.9 MB

Maximal 2 是一种先进的响度最大化器,可让您充分利用您的声音。


Maximal 2 具有先进的前瞻检测算法。我们不像其他人那样只是延迟信号,而是使用一种特殊的算法在输入音频发生之前自然地对其做出反应。


您不仅可以使用 Maximal 2 获得清晰的限制,而且还有一些好处可以为您的音轨注入一些温暖 – “磁带”模式增加了一些温暖的饱和度,模仿过去的旧磁带机,没有不需要的人工制品,如漂移、哇或颤动。

“Tube”模式稍微喧闹一些,增加了一点沙砾,而“Loud”模式采用了透明限幅器并在限幅器之前添加了一个可变状态软削波器,让你挤出一些额外的 dB,同时仍然保持声音干净。
8x 过采样

为了帮助限制混叠并停止样本间峰值,Maximal 2 提供了高达 8 倍的过采样。我们的过采样算法在应用限制之前干净地对信号进行上采样,然后将采样率干净地恢复到原始值。

Maximal 是一个响度最大化器,具有先进的前瞻峰值限制器和模拟建模饱和度。多级限制器部分具有下一级前瞻、自动化妆增益以及自适应和响应释放。该插件将平滑地限制音频中的任何峰值,并自动提高整体水平。模拟模拟磁带和电子管饱和模式涵盖了模拟世界的所有最佳部分,没有所有不好的部分 – 例如高频滚降、嘶嘶声、哇音和颤振。

使用我们的自适应释放技术,您可以简单地告诉 Maximal 2 是希望限制器快速而响亮,还是缓慢而透明,它会执行内部所需的操作。您可以使用 Maximal 2 来捕捉录音中的剧烈峰值,或者您可以使用它来使您的音轨变得更响亮——这取决于您如何推动它。


Maximal 2 is an advanced loudness maximiser that allows you to get the most out of your sound.


Advanced Detection
Maximal 2 features an advanced lookahead detection algorithm. Instead of just delaying the signal like some of the others do, we use a special algorithm to react to the incoming audio naturally before it happens.

Our intelligent release uses a multi-stage envelope for smoothly controlling the limiting. This, along with the advanced lookahead, helps you escape the dreaded ‘pumping’ you can get with other limiters.
Juicy Analogue Warmth

Not only can you get crystal-clear limiting using Maximal 2, but there are some goodies for injecting some warmth into your track – The ‘Tape’ mode adds some warm saturation, modelled on the old tape-machines of the past, without the unwanted artefacts such as drift, wow or flutter.

The ‘Tube’ mode is slightly more boisterous, adding a bit of grit, while the ‘Loud’ mode takes the transparent limiter and adds in a variable state soft-clipper before the limiter, letting you squeeze a few extra dB out, while still keeping the sound clean.
8x Oversampling

To help limit aliasing, and stop inter-sample peaks, Maximal 2 offers up to 8x oversampling. Our oversampling algorithm cleanly upsamples the signal before applying the limiting, before cleanly bringing the sample rate back to the original.
In Detail

Maximal is a loudness maximiser, featuring an advanced lookahead peak limiter and analogue modelled saturation. The multi-stage limiter section features next-level lookahead, automatic makeup gain, and adaptive and responsive release. This plugin will smoothly limit any peaks in the audio, and automatically increase the overall level. The analogue modelled tape and tube saturation modes encompass all the best parts of the analogue world, without all the bad parts – such as high-frequency roll-off, hiss, wow and flutter.

Using our adaptive release technology, you can simply tell Maximal 2 whether you want the limiter to be fast and loud, or slow and transparent, and it will do what’s needed inside. You can use Maximal 2 to catch rampant peaks in an audio recording, or you can use it to make your track phat and loud – it’s up to you how you push it.


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