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原声鼓 – Reason RE Propellerhead – Reason Drum Kits v1.0.1-DECiBEL WIN

Team DECiBEL | 14 Dec 2021 | 2.37GB

欢迎回来 Reason 鼓组!使用 Reason 最受欢迎的鼓库为您的音乐添加生动、逼真的原声鼓,现在被重新设计为 Rack Extension 乐器。借助华丽的新界面,整个 Hypersampled 鼓录音会话呈现在您面前,让您可以比以往更轻松地创建歌曲所需的鼓音轨。

Reason Drum Kits 是一组富有表现力和可玩性的原声鼓组,在传奇的录音室空间中使用复古和最先进的录音设备进行录制。在斯德哥尔摩传奇的亚特兰蒂斯工作室录制,不遗余力地捕捉这些宏伟的鼓组的声音和灵魂。

但是 Reason Drum 套件真正闪耀的地方在于您可以做出如此多的创意决定。所有架子鼓都是使用录音室中的完整麦克风阵列录制的,当您创建鼓声时,所有这些录音都可以在 Reason Drum Kits 中使用。你想要一个紧凑而亲密的声音吗?去近距离的麦克风。想要一个大而响亮的架子鼓?用头顶和氛围麦克风疯狂!

从数千个样本中,每个架子鼓都经过精心制作,以实现富有表现力的表演。每个仪器有多个样本,允许自然滚动和填充,而无需重新触发单个样本的机器人机枪效应。 Rim shot、ruffs、side stick 和鼓手将模式转化为表演的其他方式都可供您创造性地使用。

– 超采样原声鼓机架扩展乐器
– 大量的复古和现代鼓组选择
– 一个完整的鼓录音会话,所有麦克风、主压缩和混响都有单独的电平
– 直观的界面使创建和调整声音变得轻而易举
– 在最受好评的录音室中混合使用老式和最先进的设备录制
– 内置效果器包括专用混响和总线压缩器
– 从 75 个采样的鼓中构建您的梦想套件

Reason 鼓组需要 Reason 10.1 或更高版本

– 完整的鼓录音会话乐器
– 大量的复古和现代鼓组选择
– 直观且易于使用的界面


Welcome back Reason Drum Kits! Add lively, realistic acoustic drums to your music with Reason’s most popular drum library, now re-imagined as a Rack Extension instrument. With a gorgeous new interface, the entire Hypersampled drum recording session is laid out before you, making it easier than ever to create the drum track your song needs.

Reason Drum Kits is a collection of expressive and playable acoustic drum kits, recorded in legendary studio spaces, using a mix of vintage and state-of-the-art recording equipment. Recorded at legendary Atlantis Studios in Stockholm, no effort was spared in order to capture the sound and soul of these magnificent drum kits.

But where Reason Drum kits really shines is in the way so many creative decisions are open for you. All drum kits were recorded using the full mics array in the recording room, and all those recordings are available in Reason Drum Kits when you create your drum sound. Do you want a tight and intimate sound? Go for the close mics. Want a big and loud drum kit? Go wild with the overhead and ambience mics!

From thousands of samples, each drum kit has been meticulously crafted to allow for expressive performances. There are multiple samples per instrument to allow natural rolls and fills without the robotic machine gun effect of just re-triggering a single sample. Rim shots, ruffs, side stick and other ways that drummers turns patterns into performances are all there for your creative use.

– Hypersampled acoustic drum Rack Extension instrument
– Large selection of vintage and modern drum kits
– A complete drum recording session with separate levels for all mics, master compression and reverb
– Intuitive interface makes it a breeze to create and tweak sounds
– Recorded with a mix of vintage and state-of-the-art equipment in top rated studios
– Built-in effects include dedicated reverb & bus-compressor
– Build your dream kit from 75 sampled drums

Reason Drum Kits requires Reason 10.1 or later

– A complete drum recording session instrument
– Large selection of vintage and modern drum kits
– Intuitive and easy-to-use interface

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