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全自动编曲软件 – Music Developments Rapid Composer 4.7.0 WIN

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RapidComposer 是一款独特的、非破坏性的、基于乐句的音乐原型制作软件,专为所有音乐风格的作曲家、词曲作者和音乐家而设计(适用于 Windows 和 macOS:独立、VST、VST3、AU、AU MFX)。

创建美妙的和弦进行,使用钢琴风格的乐句,即使您从未接触过钢琴,自动和声旋律,获取和弦建议,加载带有和弦检测的 MIDI 文件,使用和弦调色板或“五度圆”图表, RapidComposer 将始终协助您创作歌曲。

乐句始终符合主音轨上的当前和弦和音阶。 忘掉修改笔记吧。 在主音轨上布置和弦,或者只是在其上放置一个和弦进行,通过按键,您可以生成具有完美语音引导的和声音轨。 现在开始作曲!

包括节奏和乐句生成器以用于各种目的。 创建单音或复音模式。 产生旋律。 使用变体以非破坏性方式更改短语。 切片或改变现有短语的节奏。

RapidComposer 提供了多种方式来为主音轨或和弦进行选择和弦,包括 Tonnetz 和 Circle of Fifths。 按辅音、常用音符、音调或建议为和弦按钮上色。 为进程设置和弦规则。 为音轨、乐句或主音轨和弦使用和弦音色。

RapidComposer 将根据您的设置,使用您的乐句,生成带有和弦的多轨乐曲。 支持不同类型的工作流。 不仅仅是当你没有想法的时候。


RapidComposer is a unique, non-destructive, phrase-based music prototyping software designed for composers, songwriters and musicians of all musical styles (for Windows and macOS: standalone, VST, VST3, AU, AU MFX).

Music Theory Integrated
Create great sounding chord progressions, use piano-style phrases even if you’ve never touched a piano, auto-harmonize melodies, get chord suggestions, load MIDI files with chord detection, use the chord palette or the “circle of fifths” chart, RapidComposer will always assist you in songwriting.

Smart Phrases
Phrases always conform to the current chord and scale on the master track. Forget about tinkering with notes. Lay out the chords on the master track, or just drop a chord progression on it, with a key-press you can generate a harmony track with perfect voice leading. Start composing now!

Phrase Generators
Rhythm and phrase generators are included for various purposes. Create monophonic or polyphonic patterns. Generate melody. Use variations to change phrases non-destructively. Slice or change the rhythm of existing phrases.

Flexible Chord Selection
RapidComposer offers several ways to select chords for the master track or chord progressions including Tonnetz and Circle of Fifths. Color chord buttons by consonance, common notes, tonality or suggestions. Set up chord rules for progressions. Use chord voicings for tracks, phrases or master track chords.

Idea Tool
RapidComposer will generate a multi-track composition with chords based on your settings, using your phrases. Different types of workflows are supported. Not just when you are out of ideas.



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