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传奇爵士风格鼓 – IK Multimedia Billy Cobham Drums for SampleTank 3/4

IK Multimedia Billy Cobham Drums for SampleTank 3/4 Library for SampleTank | Samples, instruments | 658 MB

将传奇爵士融合鼓手 Billy Cobham 的声音和律动放入您的下一个录音中
Billy Cobham Drums 是一个新的高清鼓和律动 SampleTank 乐器集合。它包含超过 2 GB 的惊人的 2,000 多个精心录制的鼓样本,其中包括由传奇的 Mahavishnu 管弦乐队和 Miles Davis 鼓手 Billy Cobham 演奏的 400 多个音频律动,他们惊人的表演继续激励着新老音乐家。
Billy Cobham Drums 由传奇制作人兼工程师 Ken Scott 录制,他制作了 Mahavishnu Orchestra 的爵士融合经典专辑“Birds of Fire”,Billy 担任鼓手。IK US 创始人兼执行制作人 Dave Kerzner 在马萨诸塞州的 Long View Farm Studio 重聚了两位传奇人物,他们在经典的 Trident A Range 控制台上录制了该乐器的样本,与“Birds of Fire”专辑中使用的相同. 为了获得最高的真实性,专门为这些会议从洛杉矶空运了一个透明外壳的 Fibes 架子鼓。

为这款高度风格化的架子鼓拾音不遗余力。会议中使用了 8 个 Neumann® U67 电子管话筒,因此每个嗵鼓都可以用一个话筒进行录音。他的鼓组和演奏风格的每一个细节和细微差别都以每个鼓的 8 个力度捕捉,每个力度使用多达 8 个循环。除了完整的套件乐器,您还可以获得用于他的底鼓、军鼓、嗵鼓、踩镲、镲片和撞镲的单独 SampleTank 乐器,以便您可以自定义声音、添加效果并对每个元素进行单独的乐器处理在 SampleTank 中使用多个部件。给底鼓增加一些额外的压缩,给军鼓增加一点混响,给踩镲增加一些高端的嘶嘶声,每个都不会影响套件的其他元素。
鼓使用扩展的通用 MIDI 映射进行映射,因此您可以将 Billy Cobham Kit 的鼓组元素与来自其他 SampleTank 工厂鼓组或 Custom Shop 中可用的其他鼓库(如 Neil Peart Kit)的元素混合搭配。

Billy Cobham Drums 还包括他本人以他最喜欢的 Mahavishnu Orchestra 歌曲的风格演奏的音频律动。有14个SampleTank乐器被分组为“歌曲”,每种乐器都有自己的节奏。借助SampleTank的STRETCH引擎,您可以轻松更改音频凹槽的速度,而不会影响鼓的音高。Billy Cobham Drums 非常适合流行、放克、嘻哈、爵士融合、摇滚、蓝调和几乎任何类型的音乐,您需要经过精心录制的极具表现力的发烧友鼓音轨。



盗贼领主-89 bpm
侧风-95 bpm
一次演讲1-93 bpm
一次演讲2-118 bpm
阿加佩族国家1-96 bpm
阿加佩族国家2-128 bpm
乌云-86 bpm
存在-1-75 bpm
存在2-158 bpm
米因此 – 86 bpm
Prioress Andre – 158 bpm
The Lily – 81 bpm
Thistle – 67 bpm

超过 2GB 的内容
2,000 多个套鼓样本
400 多个音频循环

Put the sounds and grooves of legendary jazz-fusion drummer Billy Cobham into your next recording
Billy Cobham Drums is a new high definition drum and groove SampleTank instruments collection. It includes more than 2 amazing gigabytes of over 2,000 meticulously recorded drum samples that include more than 400 audio grooves played by Billy Cobham, the legendary Mahavishnu Orchestra and Miles Davis drummer whose amazing performances continue to inspire generations of musicians both old and new.
Billy Cobham Drums was recorded by legendary producer-engineer, Ken Scott, who produced the jazz fusion classic album, “Birds of Fire” by Mahavishnu Orchestra with Billy on drums. IK US founder and Executive Producer, Dave Kerzner, reunited the two legends at Long View Farm Studio in Massachusetts where they recorded the samples for this instrument on a classic Trident A Range console, the same as was used on the “Birds of Fire” album. For supreme authenticity, a clear-shell Fibes drum kit was flown in from Los Angeles just for these sessions.

No expense was spared in miking this highly stylized drum kit. 8 Neumann® U67 tube microphones were used on the session so that even each tom could be miked with one. Every detail and nuance of his kit and performance style is captured with 8 velocities per drum using as many as 8 round robins per velocity.
In addition to the full kit instrument, you get individual SampleTank instruments for his kick drums, snare drums, toms, hi-hats, ride cymbal and crash cymbals so that you can customize the sounds, adding effects and perform individual instrument processing on each element using multiple parts in SampleTank. Add some extra compression to the kick drum, a little more reverb to the snare drum, some high-end sizzle to the hi-hats, each without affecting the other elements of the kit.
The drums are mapped using an extended General MIDI mapping so you can mix-and-match kit elements from the Billy Cobham Kit with elements from other SampleTank factory drum kits, or other drum libraries available in the Custom Shop like the Neil Peart Kit.

Billy Cobham Drums also includes audio grooves played by the man himself in the style of many of his favorite Mahavishnu Orchestra songs. There are 14 SampleTank instruments grouped as “songs,” each at its own tempo. And thanks to SampleTank’s STRETCH engine, you can easily change the tempo of the audio grooves without affecting the pitch of the drums.
Billy Cobham Drums is perfect for pop, funk, hip hop, jazz fusion, rock, blues and nearly any kind of music where you a need a deeply expressive audiophile drum track that has been recorded without compromise.


1 Multi
Billy Cobham Kit

10 Kit Instruments
Billy Cobham Kit
Billy Cobham Eco Kit
Billy Cobham Crush Room Kit
Billy Cobham Kicks
Billy Cobham Snares
Billy Cobham Kit
Billy Cobham Eco Kit
Billy Cobham Crush Room Kit
Billy Cobham Kicks
Billy Cobham Snares

10 Loop Instruments
Rogue Lord – 89 bpm
Side Draft – 95 bpm
A Single Utterance 1 – 93 bpm
A Single Utterance 2 – 118 bpm
Agape Nation 1 – 96 bpm
Agape Nation 2 – 128 bpm
Clouds – 86 bpm
Existence 1 – 75 bpm
Existence 2 – 158 bpm
Meters Hence – 86 bpm
Prioress Andre – 158 bpm
The Lily – 81 bpm
Thistle – 67 bpm

Library size:
Over 2GB of content
2,000+ drum kit samples
400+ audio loops

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